Inglés, pregunta formulada por anthony201893, hace 11 meses

hello i need help please

so, imagine that you are in a interview, and you have to answer too many question, how would you answer them.

list of questions:

1.- How can you benefit this company?
2.- How did you find this company?
3.- Describe yourself in one word.
4. What are your strenghts and weaknesses?
5.- What are your goals within this company?
6.- What characteristics make you unique?
7.- Who are
your role models and why?
8.- Do you have any other experiences in this field? If so, state them.
9.- How can you improve the experience that the customers/other baristas have at this company?
10.- How can this company improve?
11.- Why should we hire you over other applicants?
12.- Where do you see yourself in the future?
13.- How would you deal with a customer who insulted you?
14.- Why do you want to work at this company?
15.- In what way can this company benefit you?
16.- What motivated you into getting an interview here?
17.- What is your time zone?
18.- Correct this sentence: i h3re ay dis intrvew centr becuz i lovz thes compny
19.- Rate your grammar on a scale of 1-10.
20.- How honest would you say you are? 1-10.
21.- How active can you be, from 0 to 10 (10 being extremely active)?

please, i need the answers. the best response win 35 points

anthony201893: yes
anthony201893: its ok

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por D31626

can you translate it please?

D31626: deben ser en english
D31626: Thank you very much for the information
D31626: 1 Tener un balance entre la vida laboral y la vida personal es muy importante para todos hoy en día. Por esta razón, muchos profesionales buscan qué clase de beneficios y oportunidades ofrecen las empresas dentro de su entorno y muchas veces estos factores son decisivos para permanecer en su lugar de trabajo
D31626: 1 Having a balance between working life and personal life is very important for everyone today. For this reason, many professionals look for what kind of benefits and opportunities companies offer within their environment and many times these factors are decisive for staying in their workplace.
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