Inglés, pregunta formulada por kelly0817, hace 9 meses

He ___(be) 10 years old and he___ (live) in a small town called Springfield in the U.S.A with his parents, his two sisters: Lisa and Maggie and his cat “Snowball”. He ____ (go) to Springfield Elementary school and he is on the 4th year. I must say that he is not a very big fan of school because hedoesn`t _____ (like) studying. What he really______( like) is skateboarding and he ____(do) it all the time. he also_____( like) reading comics and playing baseball with his friends.
Every day he _____( get up) at seven o’ clock and he____( take) a quick shower. Then, at twenty past seven, He gets dressed and at twenty to eight he has (have) breakfast: cereals, a glass of milk and two pieces of toast. After having breakfast, he goes ( go) to school in the school bus. His first lesson starts at eight o’ clock. He_____( have) classes until midday. Then he has (have) lunch at the school canteen with his friends. After having lunch, He has (have) classes until four o’ clock and he arrives ( arrive) home around a quarter past four. From half past four until six o’ clock he usually _____(do) his homework. After that he ____( go) skateboarding with his friends until half past seven. At eight o’ clock, He ____ have dinner with his friends and around half past nine he_____( go) to bed.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por e11330


Primera parte:

1.- He is

2.- He lives

3.- He got

4.- He doesn't like studying

5.- He really likes

6.- He does

7.- He also likes.

Segunda parte:

1.- gets up

2.- takes

3.- he goes

4.- he has

5.- Then he has

6.- He has classes

7.- arrives

8.- does

9.- goes

10.- he has dinner

11.- he goes to



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