Haz una redaccion de 150 palabras aproximadamente en inglés sobre porque ir al comercio local. Dibidelo en 4 apartados
1 introducción
Aspectos positivos
Aspectos negativos
Respuestas a la pregunta
Surely if you are a regular customer of the shops in your area, it is also common for you to meet the people who serve you and, even, it will be the customers who usually go shopping at the same hours. These are some of the reasons to buy locally, but there are more. This familiarity is complemented by other values such as responsible and sustainable consumption. It also generates employment and helps the growth and well-being of our community.
From a local store to a neighborhood market, local commerce also provides us with the possibility of consuming healthy products and food, from our lands. Many times these types of products are difficult to find in large areas.
As we are telling you, there are many reasons to buy from local businesses, such as support for the regional economy or the social movement it represents for the land.