Inglés, pregunta formulada por marianaylucia2007o, hace 10 meses

Have you ever been to the Japanese Gardens? Well, if you have not, try to find the opportunity to go. The Japanese Gardens are one of the most relaxing places in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Located beside Tres de Febrero Park (popularly known as “Palermo Forests”), the Japanese Gardens are described as “a place of dream where peace and harmony prevail. Its calmness and natural richness contrast with the city chaos, as it is in the middle of the busy neighbourhood of Palermo” on the Gardens’ official webpage. In fact, all the elements of the gardens were specially designed to create balance and harmony.

The Japanese Gardens opened in 1967 to coincide with a visit by PrinceAkihito (the man who would be the emperor of Japan from 1989 to 2019) and his wife Michiko. The Japanese planned and built the site as a token of gratitude towards Argentina’s welcoming of Japanese immigrants. Akihito said in 1967: "I will be very pleased if our visit, though short, can work as a bridge (between Argentina and Japan) for a tighter relationship".The association that preserves the Japanese Garden in Buenos Aires claims that the park is the living and physical expression of the eternal friendship between Argentina and Japan.

In the gardens, there is a wide variety of plants, such as cherry blossoms, water lilies, azaleas, and ginkgo biloba trees. As well as these botanical species, there is also a pond with carp (whose Japanese name is “koi*”), an island with bridges, and sculptures based on Japanese culture.

The visit to the garden costs $200 (April 2020), but it is free to pensioners and children under twelve years of age. It also has no charge for students of primary and secondary schools. The park also has a cultural centre, a Japanese restaurant, a craft shop and a plant nursery, where visitors can buy bonsai trees and other plants.

*Koi: To learn more about this fish, read the second text in this TP.

Ejercicio 2: Primero, comencemos con preguntas acerca de la comprensión global del texto.
Indique si los siguientes enunciados son verdaderos o falsos:

1. El primer párrafo del texto invita al lector a visitar el Jardín Japonés.


2. En el segundo párrafo, encontramos información acerca de la ubicación del Jardín Japonés.


3. En el tercer párrafo, encontramos información detallada acerca de quién sería el emperador de Japón entre 1989 y 2019.


4. El cuarto párrafo podría tener el siguiente subtítulo: “Qué comprar en el Jardín Japonés”.


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