Inglés, pregunta formulada por falexandercasco22, hace 2 meses

hacer una oracion con estos adjetivos late, high, dry, good, sunny, cold, big, easy, bad, wet, hot usando comparativos

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Zozanga
i'm a big man who got wet and cold to late class because it's very easy for rain in the place where I live and it's very rare that it's sunny and hot, sometimes I think being so high and big is bad but it also has its advantages
Contestado por elzorro11Z


Oracion con big:

London is bigger than Madrid.

Oracion con easy:

This is easier than maths

Oracuon con sunny:

This day is Sunnier than yesterday

Oracion con late:

You arrive the school later than me

Oracion con high:

He is higher than me

Oracion con cold:

In Alaska is colder than Moscú

Oracion con hot:

In Africa is hotter than Argentina

Oracion con dry:

The rivers are many, even on the drier eastern coast

Oracion con good:

He thinks you are better than us.

Oracion con bad:

It was the worse news I could hear.

Oracion con wet:

The ground could probably be wetter

De nada, sinceramente tarde mucho pero esperemos que te sirva.Un saludo :D

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