Inglés, pregunta formulada por vivianaizqvel, hace 8 meses

Grammar Practice 4: Complete with the appropiate realtive pronouns
1.Peter is a boy tha lives in front of the supermarket.
2.- The red car is _____________ my father usually drives to go to work.
3.- Rose hates the books_______________ are scary.
4.- The student _____________is next to the door is Antonio’s friend.
5.- My sons like the food _____________ is sweet.
6. The boy ____________ brought me the pizza was very gentle.
7.-This is the house ______________ Jack built.
8.- The window ______________ is opened needs to be cleaned.
9.- The cafeteria _______________we eat is always crowded at lunch time.
10.- The girls ________________are playing on the field go in this class

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Palomita24


Grammar Practice 4: Complete with the appropriate relative pronouns

1.Peter is a boy that lives in front of the supermarket.

2.- The red car in whose my father usually drives to go to work.

3.- Rose hates books which are scary.

4.- The student who is next to the door is Antonio’s friend.

5.- My sons like food which is sweet.

6. The boy who brought me the pizza was very gentle.

7.-This is the house that Jack built.

8.- The wind is opened needs to be cleaned.

9.- The cafeteria where we eat is always crowded at lunchtime.

10.- The girls who are playing on the field go to this class


  1. sustantivo: boy-niño
  2. pertenencia: el carro rojo de
  3. sustantivo: books-libros
  4. sujeto: el estudiante
  5. sustantivo: la comida
  6. sujeto: el niño
  7. sustantivo : la casa
  8. sustantivo: la ventana
  9. lugar : la cafeteria -donde
  10. sujeto: las niñas
Contestado por mjvo95

Los pronombres relativos who, which, whose y that se usan como sujeto en una oración o al inicio de una clausula.


  • Se usa únicamente para referirse a personas.


  • Se utiliza con objetos o animales.


  • Se puede usar tanto con personas como con animales.


  • Se usa para referirse a la posesión.

1. Peter is a boy that lives in front of the supermarket.  

3.- Rose hates the books that are scary.

4.- The student who is next to the door is Antonio’s friend.

5.- My sons like the food that is sweet.

6.- The boy who brought me the pizza was very gentle.

7.- This is the house that Jack built.

8.- The window that is opened needs to be cleaned.

9.- The cafeteria in which we eat is always crowded at lunch time.

10.- The girls who are playing on the field go in this class.

Más sobre pronombres relativos aquí

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