Inglés, pregunta formulada por vivijmruiz, hace 10 meses

Grammar - must(n't) and (don't) have to
Read the sentences. Select True if grammatically correct and False if grammatically incorrect.
1. You don't have pay the bills now.
2. We mustn't be late for school.
3. I have to study hard for my exams.
4. You must be polite to your teachers.
5. She doesn't have to come, if she doesn't want to.

Present continuous and going to
Match the parts of the sentences.
1. I'm a. playing football tomorrow.
2. I'm going to b. finish my Masters soon.

3. What are c. studying for my Masters at the moment.

4. We're d. you doing tomorrow?

5. We're going to e. play football tomorrow.
Present continuous and going to (2)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Are you ___________________ the wine? (enjoy)

2. She's going to ___________________ French at university. (study)

3. I'm ___________________ for my school leaving certificate at the moment. (study)

4. When are you going to ___________________ the course? (start)

5. We're ___________________ in a very long queue. (wait)
Present continuous and going to (3)
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. They... shopping after work.
a. are going

b. going

c. are going to going

2. He... hard for his degree.
a. is work

b. is going work

c. is going to work

3. What... tonight?
a. are you do

b. are you doing

c. are you going to doing

4. I'm... this book!
a. enjoy

b. going to enjoy

c. go to enjoy

5. She... Philosophy and Politics at university.
a. is studying

b. is study

c. is going studying
Adjectives and prepositions
Match the parts of the sentences.
1. I'm bored a. in Maths.

2. Business Studies is quite different b. about the cinema.

3. Have you always been good c. at languages?

4. The children were excited d. from IT.

5. I've never been interested e. with school.
Academic subjects
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. I can play football, tennis and rugby. I think I'm good at… !
a. Sport

b. Art

c. Politics

2. I don't enjoy science subjects like Biology, Chemistry and...
a. History.

b. Physics.

c. Sport.
3. In... lessons, we learn about classical composers like Bach and Mozart.
a. Information Technology

b. Music

c. Geography

4. I want to be a theatre, TV or film actor, so I am studying...
a. Business Studies.

b. Philosophy.

c. Drama.

5. He loves computers, so... is his favourite subject.
a. IT

b. Languages

c. Psychology
| Vocabulary - Schools and qualifications
Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).
1. My daughter has her first day at pre-___________________ today.
2. He never got his school ___________________.
3. I've just finished a course at technical ___________________.
4. Have you got any ___________________ qualifications?
5. In the UK, you can leave ___________________ school when you are 16.

Vocabulary - -ed' and '-ing' adjectives
Match the parts of the sentences.
1. I'm really a. interested in it.
2. I found maths lessons b. interesting idea.
3. The new classes are c. fascinating. I love them!
4. That is an d. exciting, isn't it?
5. It's e. confusing when I was at school.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por cabrerahansel33


o yes a redid to the cuestion mark


vivijmruiz: yes, help me please :c
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