Inglés, pregunta formulada por yulisaguaraca, hace 10 meses

Grammar 2.- Can or can´t Multiple choice 1. I ______ watch the movie last night. My TV was broken. could can't couldn't 2. I ______ open the door last night, the key was stuck in it! couldn't could can 3. ______ you hear that storm yesterday? can can't could 4. I enjoyed my trip to Paris because I ______ speak a little French. could couldn't can 5. ______ you speak Russian when you went to the university in Moscow or did you learn later? can could couldn't 6. ______ I borrow your phone for two seconds? Thanks. could couldn't can't 7. My sisters ______ dance ballet really well. I think they'll be famous! could can couldn't 8. I see that he's shouting something, but I ______ hear what he's saying at all. couldn't

Respuestas a la pregunta

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Respuesta: 1. can't, 2. can't  3.can...

Explicación:1. porque  ahi dice que el televisor se rompio por lo que no puede ver tele 2.el verbo stuck que se refiere a que se estaco y asi vas continuando o facil lo buscas en el traductor buscas los verbos y si dicen que algo se rompio o estaco es can't (no puedo, pude) y si hay una posibilidad de algo es can que significa puedo

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come m***** eso esta dificil

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