Inglés, pregunta formulada por mariel15984, hace 21 días

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the past simple or past continuous.
1 He was playing tennis when he hurt his arm. (play / hurt)
2 While we , we a lot of new friends. (travel / make)
3 Gill a new job when she the lottery. (look for / win)
4 Who you with when I you? (dance / see)
5 He me while I TV. (call / watch)
6 Mum a shower when they . (have / arrive)

2 Underline and correct one mistake in each sentence.
1 It was rain when I got up. raining
2 We wasn’t listening.
3 What time did he came?
4 What was they doing?
5 Were you sleep?
6 She arrived while we ate.

3 Underline the correct alternative.
1 They want to climb / climbing the mountains tomorrow.
2 She decided to buy / buying a sunhat.
3 I hope to go / going to Japan next year.
4 Can I have that magazine when you finish to read / reading it?
5 I don’t mind eating / to eat now. It’s 7.30.
6 They don’t enjoy walking / to walk in the rain.

4 Rearrange the letters and complete the sentences.
1 It’s easy to move around on the London underground . (ugrnoddreun)
2 I’d love to travel to Asia by . (inrta)
3 My grandmother didn’t travel on a (npela) until she was thirty.
4 His boss goes to meetings in France by . (thpelireco)
5 A (iibmnsu) is smaller than a . (ohacc)

5 Complete the sentences with the words.
sunhat money binoculars digital map clothes rucksack dictionary walking souvenirs umbrella
1 You need to wear a sunhat to the beach.
2 My daughter never uses a suitcase or a wallet. She puts her clothes in a and wears a belt.
3 Look! You can see that ship really well with these .
4 It’s very wet outside so wear waterproof and boots.
5 She didn’t bring back any for me from her holiday.
6 He always travels with his camera.
7 They always go sightseeing with a so they know where they are.
8 I take a with me when I travel so I can look up words.
9 It’s useful to have an in case it rains.
6 Underline the main stress in the words.
1 note book 7 umbrella
2 binoculars 8 souvenirs
3 money belt 9 motorbike
4 rucksack 10 aeroplane
5 waterproof clothes 11 minibus
6 sunhat
7 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
to get take going reach you’ll first on far right can’t left
A: Excuse me. We want 1 to get to the bus station. Is this the 2 way?
B: Yes, go past that supermarket and take the 3 right.
A: First right.
B: Yes. Then keep 4 until you 5 the end of the road. Turn 6 and then 7 the second, um … no, the third right.
A: So I need to turn left, and then third right.
B: Yes, 8 see the bus station 9 the right. You 10 miss it.
A: Is it 11 ?
B: It’s about a 15-minute walk.

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Contestado por abyvr20

What if ... SOS a bureau.

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