Inglés, pregunta formulada por Lukaz123, hace 7 meses

Good morning. The Boston Hotel. B Hello. The manager, (1) _______ . 1 a excuse b thank you c please d pardon A Certainly. And your name is? B Julia Alvarez. A How do you (2) _______ your surname? 2 a say b do c write d spell B A-L-V-A-R-E-Z. A Thank you. C Hello, (3) _______ is the manager. 3 a is b I’m c that d this Conversation 2 A Good afternoon. The Elite School of English. B Hello. The director, Angela Rose, please. A I’m sorry. She isn’t (4) _______ her office.What (5) _______ your phone number? 4 a in b of c at d on 5 a are b ‘s c this d the B 00 39 05 65432. A Thank you (6) _______ telephoning. 6 a in b have c of d for B Goodbye.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por DaniBanani


1. Please

2. Spell

3. im

4. In

5. Are

3. For

Otras preguntas