PAU-Selectividad, pregunta formulada por yoajoangebrito, hace 1 año

Genetic Fingerprinting

On September 10th 1984, Alec Jeffreys, a scientist at Leicester University, was using DNA in an experiment to analyse the inheritance element in illness. DNA
is the molecule that carries our genetic information. Looking at an X-ray showing the DNA profiles of his assistant and her parents, he suddenly realised
that he had, completely by accident, discovered a revolutionary new method of biological identification. He called it “Genetic Fingerprinting”.

The importance of the discovery was recognised immediately by both the UK police and immigration authorities. The technique is now used in forensic
science to assist police detective work and to resolve paternity and immigration disputes. It has also helped convict thousands of murderers, rapists and burglars
while freeing many innocent people already in prison.

Genetic fingerprinting also has a promising future in the battle against disease. Scientists are storing genetic information of people in a “biobank”, in the
world’s largest study of the role of nature and nurture in health and disease. Many of the worst illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s,
are caused by complex interactions between genes, lifestyle and environment.

However, it does have a negative side. Many people are worried that the discovery could badly affect our civil liberties. Jeffreys fears possible abuses of
the system. He wants a global DNA database but without any information on race, health or physical appearance. As the technique becomes more
sophisticated, all this information and more will be available.

5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
Which do you think is the most revolutionary invention for mankind? Explain why

Prueba de Selectividad Madrid, Convocatoria Junio 2014-2015, Ingles

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por vamc18

Inventions are the way mankind has for solving the so called bottlenecks, problems associated with issues to satisfy the demand of basic products or products very demanded at a time.

We can classify inventions in two large groups, micro inventions and macro inventions, macro inventions consist in revolutionary products that affect many production areas and mean radical changes on industry and society. Given this, we could say that the most important invention in history of mankind is the internet, internet is part of our daily life, it has completely changed the way we work, we communicate and how we behave. It has been implemented in almost every area of our society.

Despite of it isn’t a tangible invention like the light bulb, the wheel or the car, internet has stirred up the whole world, and nowadays it’s impossible to imagine the world without it.



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