Find the past tense forms of the verbs listed below in the puzzle and circle them
Respuestas a la pregunta
(las palabras "do", "go" y "begin" que marcaste están mal, lo que tenés que hacer es buscarlas en su pasado, o sea "did", "went" y "began")
El past tense es un tiempo verbal, también conocido como pretérito que expresa los verbos en tiempo pasado. Indica acciones que ya sucedieron.
El pretérito de los verbos encerrados es:
Become: became
Begin: began
Break: broke
Bring: brought
Buy: bought
Catch: caught
Choose: chose
Come: came
Cost: costed
Cut: cut
Do: did
Draw: drew
Drink: drank
Drive: drove
Eat: ate
Fall: fell
Feed: fed
Feel: felt
Fight: fought
Find: found
Fly: flew
Forget: forgot
Forgive: forgave
Freeze: froze
Get: got
Give: gave
Go: went
Grow: grew
Hang: hung
Have: had
Hear: heard
Hide: hid
Hit: hit
Hurt: hurt
Know: knew
Lead: led
Leave: left
Lose: lost
Make: made
Mean: meant