Inglés, pregunta formulada por jenniymongui, hace 8 meses

Fill in WILL or BE GOING TO: 1. A: Why do you need so much sugar? B: I ……………………………………… make a cake. 2. A: Oh no! I’ve left my purse at home and I haven’t got any money on me! B: Don’y worry. I …………………………………………. lend you some. 3. A: I don’t know how to use this mixer. B: That’s OK. I ………………………………….. show you. 4. A: Why are all these people gathered here? B: The Prime Minister ……………………………… open the new hospital ward. 5. A: Did you remember to buy the magazine I asked for? B: Sorry, I didn’t. I …………………………………. buy it when I go out again. 6. A: What’s that on your curtains? B: It’s a stain. I ………………………………….. take them to the dry cleaner’s tomorrow. 7. A: These bags are very heavy. I can’t lift them. B: I ………………………………… carry them for you. 8. A: I hear you’re going to Leeds University in September. B: Yes, I ……………………………………. study French and German. 9. A: Why don’t you tidy your room? B: I …………………………………….. play football in ten minutes, so I haven’t gottime. 10. A: How can we get all this home? B: I ………………………………………. ask James to come and help. 11. She has bought some wool. She ……………………………. knit a sweater. 12. A: This problem is very difficult. B: I ………………………. help you to solve it. 13. A: Why are you taking down all the pictures? B: I ……………………………….. paint the room. 14. I ………………………… climb that mountain one day. 15. Look at that young man. He looks very pale. He ……………………………. faint. 16. A: Why are buying that spade? B: I ……………………………… plant some trees in my garden at the back of the house. 17. She …………………………….. get better. There are positive signs. 18. I’m hungry. I ………………………………. have something to eat. 19. I ………………………………… be 38 years old next week.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Hasukiwats


1Am going to 2Will 3will 4is going to 5will 6am going to 7will 8am going to 9am going to 10will 11is going to 12will 13 am going to 14will 15 is going to 16am going 17ia going to 18 will 19 am going to

Contestado por Jsfd233

El going to y el will de utilizan en oraciones que expresan futuro.

¿Cuándo se utiliza Will y Going to?

El going to se emplea para aquellas oraciones que expresan planes que sucederán muy pronto o aquellas actividades que se tienen programadas.

Mientras que el Will se utiliza para indicar una promesa, predicciones o planes que se desean hacer en el futuro aunque aún no se tiene una fecha determinada.

A continuación se indica que estructura corresponde según el número:

1. Am going to.


3. will.

4. is going to.

5. will.

6. am going to.

7. will.

8. am going to.

9. am going to.

10. will.

11i. s going to.

12. will.

13. am going to.

14. will.

15. is going to.

16. am going.

17. ia going to.

18. will.

19. am going to.

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