Inglés, pregunta formulada por usamortage, hace 27 días

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple, present continuous or going to.

A typical day in my house __ (start) at about 7 o'clock when my alarm clock ___ (ring) and I ___ (get up) and ___ (have) breakfast. Today is a little different because I ___ (go) on vacation.

My friends and I ____ (take) a cab to the airport at 8 o'clock so I ___ (have) breakfast now, at quarter to seven. Everything is ready so I
___ (listen) to the radio and ___ (feel) excited.

Normally I __ (start) work at 8 o'clock but on vacation I can get up later. My friends and I __ (be) excited about the vacation because we __ (work) a lot. We ___ (plan) to relax on the beach and we ___ (not get up) early for two weeks. In fact, we __ (be) a bit lazy. I ___(not think) that we
___ (do) very much at all.

I have a cat and of course she __ (come) on holiday. My mom __ (come) to feed her two times a day. My parents __ (not live) very far away so it's easy for her to come. She __ (water) my plants too.

I __ (wash) the dishes and __ (make) the bed before the cab __ (arrive).

usamortage: starts (start) - rings (ring) - I get up (get up) - have (have) - 'm going (go)

are taking (take) - 'm having (have) - am listening (listen) - feeling (feel)

start (start) - am are (be) - work (work) - plan (plan) - aren't going to get up (not get up) - are going to be (be) - don't think (not think) - are going to do (do)

isn't coming (come)- is going to come (come) - don't live (not live) - watering 's going to water (water)

am going to wash (wash) - make (make) - arrives (arrive).

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por uDANu


A typical day in my house _start_ (start) at about 7 o'clock when my alarm clock _ring_ (ring) and I _get up_ (get up) and _have_ (have) breakfast. Today is a little different because I _am going_ (go) on vacation.

My friends and I _are taking_ (take) a cab to the airport at 8 o'clock so I _am having_ (have) breakfast now, at quarter to seven. Everything is ready so I

_am_ (listen) to the radio and _feeling_ (feel) excited.

Normally I _start_ (start) work at 8 o'clock but on vacation I can get up later. My friends and I _are_ (be) excited about the vacation because we _work_ (work) a lot. We _are planning_ (plan) to relax on the beach and we _are not going to get up_ (not get up) early for two weeks. In fact, we _are_ (be) a bit lazy. I _don't think_(not think) that we

_are going to do _ (do) very much at all.

I have a cat and of course she _is coming _ (come) on holiday. My mom _is coming_ (come) to feed her two times a day. My parents _don't live_ (not live) very far away so it's easy for her to come. She _is going to_ (water) my plants too.

I _am going to_ (wash) the dishes and _make_ (make) the bed before the cab _arrive_ (arrive).

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