Inglés, pregunta formulada por therenie1025, hace 3 meses

Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above boxes.
1. They _______ really happy after they won the football Game.
2. My sister _______ a college student last year.
3. Thomas _______ on the train at three-thirty yesterday afternoon.
4. A: _______ Jennifer tired after she finished work? B: No, she _______.
5. My car broke down, so l _______ late for my appointment.
6. A: _______ Laura and Susan surprised? B: No, they _______.
7. The cookies _______ delicious, so l ate three of them.
8. A: _______ You at the library yesterday? B: No, l _______.
9. Many dinosaurs _______ really huge.
10. I _______ born in 1996. When _______ you born?
11. The movie we saw last night _______ very funny.
12. I _______ a waiter last year, but l changed my job in September.
13. My favorite program _______ on TV at eight o'clock last night.
14. My classmates _______ in class. They were outside.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por wcalice


1. are

2. was

3. was

4.  Is

4.1. is not/ isn´t

5. am

6. Are

6.1. Are not/ aren´t

7. are

8. Were

8.1. was not/ wasn´t

9. were/are

10. was

10.1. were

11. was

12. was

13. was

14. were not/ weren´t

Al no tener opciones para poder contestar los espacios, di respuestas mas comunes

Contestado por melanybalda12


esta tarea fue respondida por la profesora en clases


espero que te sirva de mucho

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