Inglés, pregunta formulada por stefaniaaa, hace 1 año

fill in an form application have to colletors do not belong to a collectors´ association to

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por andreajurado62
If you need to send a special process the headquarters of the SEPS you can send your documents via Post of Ecuador at: Superintendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy Address: Av Amazonas N31-181 and Mariana de Jesus - Quito in the text of the application, the person or organization submitting the documents must indicate:

Name and address (Please include address as many details as possible and even a reference).
Fixed telephone number and / or cell (include code province).
E-mail, and
Total number of sheets and annexes containing the procedure.

Formats for cooperatives
Certification request legal existence

Registration forms Directives

Registration form cooperatives Policy
Partial registration form cooperatives Policy

Registration Forms Entry and Exit of Partners

Partner Registration Form
Exclusion Registration Form Partners

Formats for associations
Certification request legal existence

Registration forms Directives

Registration form partnerships Policy
Partial registration form partnerships Policy

Registration Forms Entry and Exit of Partners

Registration Form Partners
Exclusion Registration Form Partners
Associated registration form (Excel)

Formats for unions and federations
Suitability model statutes for unions

Model statute for associations

Registration Form Policy integration organizations

Formats for the establishment of organizations
Request form name reservation

Unique Forms of Constitution

Single Form Partnership To Constitution
Single Form Cooperative for Constitution
Single Form To Constitution of Community Organizations

Model Statutes

Statute constitution - Fishing
Statute constitution - Agricultural
Statute constitution - Association
Statute constitution - Cooperatives in General
Statute constitution - Transport Cooperatives
Statute constitution - Housing Cooperatives

Formats for Updating Bylaws of Cooperatives and Associations EPS (Resolution MCDS-EPS-014-2015)
Forms Laws Update

Unique form to update the Bylaws of Cooperatives
Unique form to update social status of Associations

Model Statutes

Status Update Associations - General
Status Update Cooperatives - General
Status Update Cooperatives - Fishing
Status Update Cooperatives - Production
Status Update Cooperatives - Transport
Status Update Cooperatives - Housing
Status Update Cooperatives - Mining

Form Qualification of Internal Auditors and External

Single Form Data Update EPS
Download Single Form Data Update EPS


Requirements and forms for qualification of internal and external auditors
Forms auditors SEPS rate 28/03/2016

Matrix User Requirements

Contestado por zethid1
How to Tell a Debt Collector They Have Not Given You Proper Notice about Your Debt What Form Will I Need? You will only need one form. The form is a letter Telling a Debt Collector That They Have Not Given You Proper Notice about Your Debt, which begins on page 6 of this packet. What Words Do I Need to Know? Debt Collector- A debt collector is a person or company that collects debt owed to a different person or company. A company that is collecting its own debts is not a debt collector. For example, if you owe money to a hospital, the hospital is not a debt collector. However, if the hospital has another company collect the debt from you, the other company is a debt collector. Debt Validation Notice- Debt validation notice is written information that a debt collector must send you about your debt. They must send the information within 5 days after first calling or writing you about the debt. Sometimes the debt validation notice will be included in the first letter the debt collector sends you
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