Inglés, pregunta formulada por themaster27, hace 3 meses

Few things are better than having everything you need with you. I'm a single father and I have to look after two teenagers; both of they are beautiful and clever. My car has become a very useful thing when I have to taking my girls to the museum or to the departament store. Meeting their friends in these places is something my children do very often.

However , the most important thing on my list is my cellphone. I went shopping and bought a modern one two months ago. It's useful since I use it as an alarm clock to wake up at 5 o'clock, and I can also check information on the web or send text messages to my colleagues.

Alguien que pueda verificar si mi texto está bien escrito. Gracias

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por mjeamilethgonzalez


Si, esta bien escrito


Contestado por Jsfd233

Now we are going to check a text, if it´s right or we can change something to make it better.

"Few things are better than having everything you need with you. I'm a single father and I have to look after (here you can say take care of instead of look after) two teenagers; both of they are beautiful and clever. My car has become a very useful thing when I have to taking (here you have to choose between have to take or im taking) my girls to the museum or to the departament store. Meeting their friends in these places is something my children (here you can put "they do" instead of "my childfren") do very often.  

However , the most important thing on my list is my cellphone. I went shopping and bought a modern one two months ago. It's useful since I use it as an alarm clock to wake up at 5 o'clock, and I can also check information on the web or send text messages to my colleagues".

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