fechas importantes de la literatura de la edad media en ingles si pueden si no en español grax
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476 Beginning of the Literal Middle Ages with the fall of the Roman Empire.
* The Middle Ages is called the historical period between the 5th and 15th centuries. In relation to Spanish literature, the medieval period extends from the first literary manifestations - of an imprecise date - to the beginning of the reign of the Catholic Monarchs.
* Nov 15, 1190 Birth of Gonzalo de Berceo
* Berceo was the most important representative of the clergyman. He cleaned up the Castilian language, in its Riojan dialect variety, for which he changed numerous vocabulary from Latin and resorted to formulas from traditional oral literature and from the mester de juglaría. In his work as an ecclesiastical notary, and with the intention of alleviating the decline of the monastery, he even forged documents to get the reluctant peasants to pay their contributions to it
Nov 15, 1200 The Poem of Mio Cid published in 1200
* El Cantar de mio Cid is an anonymous deed song that recounts feats in the life of the Castilian knight Rodrigo Díaz el Campeador. It is the first extensive narrative work in Spanish literature in a Romance language.
* Nov 15, 1201 The Mester of Clergy
* Appears in the thirteenth century and is the first literary school of a cultured character, made up of clergymen and scholars, who have a didactic and moralizing intention. These authors adapted books written in Latin, with a known religious or profane theme, into the Romance language and in a form of poetic composition called cuaderna via.
* Nov 17, 1221 Birth of Alfonso X El Sabio
* From his youth, before 1252, when he was crowned king, Prince Alfonso, in addition to writing songs of derision in Galician-Portuguese and, most likely, some hymns of praise to the Virgin Mary, since he had been a young man educated very well from small to adult, and had a thirst to know and to put into practice what he had learned.
* Nov 15, 1264 Gonzalo de Berceo dies
* Berceo was the most important representative of the clergyman. He cleaned up the Castilian language, in its Riojan dialect variety, for which he changed numerous vocabulary from Latin and resorted to formulas from traditional oral literature and from the mester de juglaría. In his work as an ecclesiastical notary, and with the intention of alleviating the decline of the monastery, he even forged documents to get the reluctant peasants to pay their contributions to it.
* Don Juan Manuel was a politician and writer in the Spanish language. He was one of the main representatives of fictional medieval prose, especially thanks to his work The Count Lucanor.
* Nov 15, 1284 Birth of Juan Ruiz - The Archpriest of Hita
* Juan Ruiz, known as the Archpriest of Hita, was the creator of a miscellaneous work predominantly narrative in verse that makes up one of the most important literary works of medieval Spanish literature, the Book of Good Love.
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