Explain in your own words how some cells know to be muscle and some know to be bone. Es urgente. La primera persona que me conteste bien le pongo la coronita
Respuestas a la pregunta
Cells suffer a similar fate. The earliest cells of the human embryo – the so-called stem cells – can go on to form any cell type in the body. But as the cell develops, its DNA accumulates molecular changes that educate the cell about its eventual role. A chunk of adult muscle, no matter how healthy, simply can’t fill in for an ailing liver.
Espero que te ayude ✪ ω ✪
BYE (。・ω・。)
Por el desarrollo de la ciencia ya que en los ultimos años an hevolucionado y gracias a eso se puede distinguir entre una celula muscular y otra de los huesos gracias a las ciencia han encontrado diferencias entre aquellas celulas
En ingles es asi:
Due to the development of science since in recent years it has evolved and thanks to that it is possible to distinguish between a muscle cell and another of bones thanks to science they have found differences between those cells
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