expain the composition of vidhanaparishnath
Respuestas a la pregunta
General information about legislative councils in India: The Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad) of a state comprises no more than one third of the total number of members in the state legislature and in no case less than 40 members (the Legislative Council of Jammu and Kashmir has 36 members (see Section 50 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir).
(a) Approximately one third of the council members are elected by members of the legislative assembly from among persons who are not its members,
(b) one third by electorates made up of members of municipalities, district boards and other local authorities in the state,
(c) 1/12 per electorate consisting of persons who have been, for at least three years, engaged in teaching in educational institutions within the state, no lower in level than high school, and
(d) one twelfth for registered Graduates of more than three years standing. The remaining members are nominated by the Governor from among those who have distinguished themselves in literature, science, art, cooperative movement, and social service.
I hope it helps my answer