Inglés, pregunta formulada por berlinandres, hace 1 mes


Why / the children upset?

Where / you?

How / the weather?

When / he at home?

Why / they at the hospital?

How long / the concert?

Why / you late?

Where / your sister last summer?

What / she afraid of?

When / he at the stadium?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


Why were the children upset?

Where were you?

How was the weather?

When was he at home?

Why were they at the hospital?

How long was the concert?

Why were you late?

Where was your sister last summer?

What was she afraid of?

When was he at the stadium?


Was - era o estaba. Se complementa con I - He - She - It o sustantivo singular

Were - eran o estaban. Se complementa con You - We - They o con sustantivos en Plural

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