Inglés, pregunta formulada por zrstates, hace 11 meses

Exercise 5: Answer the questions. 1. What tense do you use with adverbs of frequency? ____________________ 2. Where does the adverb of frequency go with a regular verb? ____________________ 3. Where does the adverb of frequency go with the verb be? ____________________ Exercise 6: Fill in the blanks with the simple present and place the adverb of frequency correctly. 1. She (brush, always) ________________________ her teeth in the morning. 2. He (go, never) ______________________________ to sleep at eight o’clock. 3. Jane (be, usually) _______________________ at home in the evenings. 4.Dave (study,sometimes)____________________________in the morning. Exercise 7: Ask your tutor the questions below and write her/his answers in the space provided. 1. How often do you go shopping on the weekend? My tutor __________________________ on the weekend. 2. How often do you drive to Montreal? My tutor __________________________ to Montreal. 3. How often do you fly to London? My tutor ___________________________ to London. 4. How often are you at school at 7:00 in the morning? M y tutor is ____________________________ at school in the morning

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por TinenQA64

Los principales adverbios de frecuencia en inglés son:

never (nunca)

hardly ever (casi nunca)

seldom (raramente)

rarely (raramente)

occasionally (ocasionalmente)

sometimes (algunas veces)

often (a menudo)

usually (normalmente)

always (siempre).

zrstates: me da la solucion porfa
Contestado por jivelove


1.- never

2.- hardly ever

3.- seldom

4.- rarely

5.- occasionally

6.- sometimes

1.- often

2.- usually

3.- always

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