Change the cardinal number in parentheses to the appropriate ordinal number.
1. Mr. Woo was born on the (2)
of October
2. I'm sitting in the (4)
3. My birthday was on the (21)
of July.
4. This is only the (3)
time we met.
5. The old woman died on her (100)
6. They're celebrating their (30)
Respuestas a la pregunta
1. Mr. Woo was born on the (2) of October
Answer 1: Mr. Woo was born on the second of October.
Translation 1: Mr Woo nació el segundo día de octubre.
2. I'm sitting in the (4) row.
Answer 2: I am sitting in the fourth row.
Translation 2: Estoy sentado en la cuarta fila.
3. My birthday was on the (21) of July.
Answer 3: My birthday was on the twenty-first of July.
Translation 3: Mi cumpleaños fue en el vigésimo primer día de julio.
4. This is only the (3) time we met.
Answer 4: This is only the third time we met.
Translation 4: Esta es solo la tercera vez que nos encontramos.
5. The old woman died on her (100) birthday
Answer 5: The old woman died on her 100th birthday.
Translation 5: La anciana murió en su centésimo cumpleaños.
6. They're celebrating their (30) anniversary.
Answer 6: They're celebrating their thirtieth anniversary.
Translation 6: Ellos están celebrando su trigésimo aniversario.
7. Who's the (5) boy in line?
Answer 7: Who is the fifth boy in line?
Translation 7: ¿Quién es el quinto chico en la fila?
8. That was her (10) phone call today.
Answer 8: That was his eighth phone call today.
Translation 8: Esa fue su octava llamada de teléfono hoy.
9. Mr. Burton was their (1,000) customer and won a prize.
Answer 9: Mr. Burton was their 1000th customer and he won a prize.
Translation 9: Mr. Burton fue su milésimo cliente y ganó un premio.
10. Adam scored in the (99) percentile.
Answer 10: Adam scored in the ninety-ninth percentile.
Translation 10: Adam puntuó en el nonagésimo noveno percentil.
11. I think I was (1) in line.
Answer 11: I think I was the first in line.
Translation 11: Yo creo que yo estaba el primero en la fila.
12. Our seats are in the (12) row.
Answer 12: Our seats are in the twelfth row.
Translation 12: Nuestros asientos están en la duodécima fila.
13. Christmas Day is always on the (25)
Answer 13: Christmas Day is always on the twenty-fifth.
Translation 13: El día de Navidad es siempre el vigésimo quinto.
14. The old woman died on her (86) birthday.
Answer 14: The old woman died on her eighty-sixth birthday.
Translation 14: La anciana murió en su octogésimo sexto cumpleaños.
15. Our new car arrived on the (22) of August.
Answer 15: Our new car arrived on the twenty-second of August.
Translation 15: Nuestro nuevo coche llegó el vigésimo segundo día de agosto.