Inglés, pregunta formulada por ac331994, hace 26 días

Exercise 1. Complete the story of David day. Share your answers with a classmate.
Use these 12 verbs. You will need to use some of them more than once.
have / get (dressed) / play / arrive / do I go / watch / wake up I get / talk / be (is) I meet
at 6.30. He
On schooldays David
and at 7:30 he
cornflakes, bread, and tea. He
a wash. After that
breakfast. He usually
to school by bike andatschool at 8.45.
lessons in the morning 'til lunch time. Lunchtime at
more lessons or
home at half past four. Mum, Dad and
dinner at 8 p.m. In the evenings Duncan
TV or
his friends. They
school is from 12.30 to 1:30. In the afternoons he
sport. He normally
Duncan Dark Blue
his homework
their plans for the weekend.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por mjvo95

En esta actividad debes llenar los espacios en blanco para completar la rutina de David.

On schooldays David wakes up at 6.30. After that he get dress and at 7:30 he has breakfast. He usually has cornflakes, bread, and tea. He goes to school by bike and arrives at school at 8.45. He has lessons in the morning 'til lunch time. Lunchtime at school is from 12.30 to 1:30. In the afternoons he has more lessons or does sport. He normally is home at half past four, Mum, Dad and Duncan go to Dark Blue to have dinner at 8 p.m. In the evenings Duncan does his homework, watches TV or meets his friends. They talk about their plans for the weekend.

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