Inglés, pregunta formulada por AllanAllan, hace 4 meses

ewrite the sentences using the present perfect simple and for or since so that they
mean the same as the sentences given. Use the verbs in brackets.

1. They got married ten years ago. (be married)
2. I loved lizards when I was a child, and I still love them now! (love)
3. I ran a marathon in 2000. That was the last time. (not / run)
4. I had flu five years ago. That was the last time I had it. (not / have)
5. I met Nathalie at university. We are still friends. (know)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por bremildacabelloyepez


write the sentences using the present perfect simple and for or from so that

they mean the same as the given sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses.

1. They were married ten years ago. (to be married)

they are still married ...........



I loved lizards when I was a kid, and I still love them now! (love)

He loves lizards .......

3. I ran a marathon in 2000. That was the last time. (do not run)

He did not run again ...........

4. I had the flu five years ago.


It was the last time I had it. (I do not have)

He no longer has the flu ...........

5. I met Nathalie in college. We are still friends. (to know)

to know that she is my friend ..........


escribir las oraciones usando el presente perfecto simple y para o de para que

significan lo mismo que las oraciones dadas. Usa los verbos entre paréntesis.

1. Se casaron hace diez años. (Para casarse)

todavía están casados




Me encantaban los lagartos cuando era niño, ¡y todavía los amo ahora! (amor)

Le encantan las lagartijas .......

3. Corrí una maratón en 2000. Esa fue la última vez. (No corra)

No volvió a correr ...........

4. Tuve la gripe cinco años



Fue la última vez que lo tuve. (No tengo)

Ya no tiene gripe ...........

5. Conocí a Nathalie en la universidad. Seguimos siendo amigos. (saber)

saber que ella es mi amiga ..........

hay me falto el numero 2. hay le arreglas si.

corona pliss

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