Inglés, pregunta formulada por joannacorosal, hace 10 meses

European colonization of America
write 6 important facts

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Yhulsss



- It started with vikings from Scandinavia around the year 1000, they called their colony Vinland, but then they abandon it.

- In 1492 America was rediscovered by Columbuns.

-The 3 ships in which Columbus traveled were Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.

-Spain and Portugal were the firsts to conquer Americ

-European countries took different territories and divide them in colonies, some time later those colonies became independent countries.

-The arrival of Europeans was a problem for American natives, because some dieseses were unknown for them. Those diseases came from animals such as pigs, horses, sheeps and others.


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