Inglés, pregunta formulada por solguin540, hace 10 meses

Este es el texto:

Best Things to Do in Barcelona
La Sagrada Familia: This is where vegetables, cold meats, cheese as well
to begin your adventure through as ouve products. At the center of
Barcelona and the wonderful works the market you can also find an oval-
of Antoni Gaudi. His basilica is a shaped plan corner of fishmongers. At
project of incredible scale and ambition the end of your visit, you can also cool
that is still only around three quarters off with a beer and a tapa at one of the
complete more than 140 years after market's bars
Gaudí first started building it. When
finished, it will be the tallest church
Barcelona City History Museum
structure in the world, and yet it hardly
The History Museum preserves a few
Roman sites acorss the Gothic Quarter,
resembles any religious building you
will have seen in your life. The Sagrada
such as the Temple of Augustus and
Familia combines several architectural
the Funeral Way of Placa de la Vila de
styles, including, Catalan Modernism,
Madrid. But Placa del Rei is where you
Art Nouveau, and Gothic, but Gaudi's
can see Barcelona's ancient history in
masterpiece defies these kinds of
detailed layers. You will take an elevator
definitions when you look up to the
down to where the remnants of a
garum factory (garum is a fish sauce).
ceiling of the sanctuary
laundries, dyeing shops and parts of
La Boqueria: This is an iconic sight ancient Barcino's Roman walls are all
and an educational experience. There visible. The site is large, covering 4.000
has been La Boqueria market in square meters, which you will explore
Barcelona since medieval times, though via elevated walkways. As you rise
this exact spot has only witnessed through the museum building you will
trade for about 200 years. That elegant step forward through time and enter
distinctive iron and glass roof you will the vaults of the Palau Reial Major, seat
see was put up in 1914. In the market of the meadieval Dukes of Barcelona
you can find many things, such as


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