Inglés, pregunta formulada por ayano1aishi, hace 1 mes


She said that yes when she was fourteen she saw an ad in the newspaper that read something like this more or less: “For aspiring actors who dream of one day making it to the big screen, this workshop is your chance to gain experience and advice to be able to work in the television and the cinema ». She attended the workshop and thanks to the success of that she became part of an acting agency. She had her first television job on channel four in England at the age of fifteen, then she had some other jobs as a television presenter and when she was eighteen she had a small role in a movie. she loved the theater, both doing it and writing it, reading it and directing it. her goal was Hollywood.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por imdomuwu

Respuesta: Hay cosas que puedes mejorar.

Explicación: En general,  la historia que escribiste no se entendia del todo bien porque haba frases mal estructuradas, asi que intente tomar tu idea y hacer una historia un poco mas distinta para que se entienda mejor.

When she was fourteen she saw an article in the newspaper that talk about a workshop for aspiring actors that would give you expierience for future jobs like acting on a play or in a movie. She told her parents if she could go and her parents told her yes.

She attended to the workshop. She was very good on the scenario, everyone noticed that she was talented. And a short age, she started to work in an acting agency. She got her first job when she was fifteen in the England television, in channel four as an television presenter. Then, we she was eighteen she got a small role in a movie. She really enjoy that expierience so her dream become to be an actress and to make her own movie. She wants to be on Hollywood one day.

espero que te sea de ayuda <3

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