espada de rey planta en ingles , ayuda por favor
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Amazon Sword plant.
Is known as cow tongue, tail of the devil, dragon tail, the (Sansevieria trifasciata) is so named because it is a hard and long blade that looks like a sword.
It is originally from Africa
It is attributed medicinal properties such as improving the liver, spleen and kidneys.
Others point out that it is a good preventive against cancer.
La Espada de Rey Planta. / King Plant Sword.
It is a plant used by the natives as medicine to heal some of the wounds that were obtained by the raids they made in the jungles in search of food. This plant has the characteristic of its name thanks to the shape of its leaves, which are elongated and flat with sharp edges.
- Traducción:
Se trata de una planta utilizada por los indígenas como medicina para subsanar algunas de las heridas que se obtuvieron por las redadas que hacían en las selvas en búsqueda de comida. Esta planta tiene la característica de su nombre gracias a la forma de sus hojas, las cuales son alargadas y planas con los bordes filósos.