(Escribir rutinas diarias utilizando el tiempo pasado de los verbos.)
i got up, brushed my teeth and went to the school , in the school i ate breakfast . I went to gymanaStic then got to my house. I ate dinner andgot to bed. I woke up, i had breakfast and take a shower, then i went to the job of my mom and did my homework
Respuestas a la pregunta
en los verbos que tu quieras le pones al final el ing
ojala te sirva
i was eating a salad at recess
i was watching t.v
brush brusing
DAILY ROUTINE - RUTINA DIARIA to wake someone up
Her mother wakes her up at 8 o'clock. despertar
Su madre la despierta a las ocho. to wake up
I wake up very early. despertarse
Me despierto muy temprano. to get up levantarse to make the bed hacer la cama to get dressed vestirse to get ready preparase to have a shower ducharse to have a bath bañarse to have a wash lavarse to clean your teeth lavarse los dientes to brush your teeth cepillarse los dientes to wash your hair lavarse el pelo / la cabeza to dry your hair secarse el pelo to brush your hair cepillarse el pelo to comb your hair peinarse to dry your hands secarse las manos to have a shave afeitarse to clean your shoes limpiarse los zapatos to put on makeup maquillarse / pintarse to put in your contact lenses ponerse las lentillas to put in your false teeth ponerse la dentadura postiza;
ponerse los dientes postizos to have breakfast desayunar / tomar el desayuno to have lunch almorzar / comer to have dinner cenar to cook lunch, to get lunch ready hacer la comida to feed the cat / dog dar de comer al gato / perro to water the plants regar las plantas