Inglés, pregunta formulada por portucesar013689, hace 4 meses

escribir preguntas en pasado simple
2) she/Home/walk
3) You/in The garden/work
4) I/a song/sing
5) She/on a chair/sit
6) You/The castle/visit

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por robertmore1704


2) she walks home

3) you work in the garden

4) I sing a song

5) she sits on a chair

6) yoou visit the castle

Explicación: para las terceras personas se añade "s" al final del verbo.

Contestado por nunezcami126


she was home walked

you were in the garden worked

i was a song sang

she was on a chair sat

you were the castle visit

i/you/we/they = were

he/she/it = was

los verbos regulares se les agregan "ED"

los verbos irregulares cambian completamente

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