Inglés, pregunta formulada por mspedreros30, hace 9 meses

Escribe una historia sobre un amigo usando el tiempo pasado simple. POR FAVOR PARA HOY :c

camilolarmu29: listo parce espero le guste ;)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por camilolarmu29

Respuesta: "Yesterday I went to play basketball. I met some friends in the court and we had a nice pick up game.

I remember I scored a huge basket. We were tied at 6 (the first team that score seven points win the game) and I just crossed two defenders and then made a lay up. It was awesome!".

"Ayer fui a jugar baloncesto. Me encontré con unos amigos en la cancha y tuvimos un gran juego amistoso.

Recuerdo que anoté una gran canasta. Estábamos empatados a 6 (el primer equipo que haga 7 puntos gana) y yo crucé a dos defensas y luego hice una bandeja. ¡Fue increíble!".

Explicación: listope :v

camilolarmu29: hasta en ingles la hice :v
Contestado por KAROLHC


Sally left home when she was 18.

She didn’t want to go to university, so she went to work in a book shop in London.

One day, a customer came to the store. His name was Bill, and he was tall and handsome. He liked Sally, and asked her out.

They went out to dinner and had a nice time. Bill told Sally that he worked in a bank in the financial district.

Sally liked Bill, too. After dinner, they kissed in front of her door. She smiled and said that she hoped she would see him again.

Nobody is sure how it happened, but Sally and Bill fell hopelessly in love, and ended up getting married.

They moved into a small flat together, and paid incredibly high rent prices for a few years, until Sally announced that she was pregnant.

Bill asked for a loan from the bank so they could buy a nicer flat in a friendlier neighborhood outside London. Sally quit her job, and a few months later she had her baby. They named the baby Andrea.

For a while, they were very happy…


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