Inglés, pregunta formulada por og482196, hace 1 mes

Escribe sobre ti en tiempo pasado escrito a mano. 40 frases.

Usa 20 verbos regulares
Usa 20 verbos me ayudan plis

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por mariaherrerasab


Usa 20 verbos regulares

  • Think of all the things you can achieve. / Piensa en todas las cosas q.ue puedes lograr.
  • Lots of people admire / Muchas personas lo admiran.
  • After many discussions, they finally agreed. / Luego de muchas discusiones, finalmente llegaron a un acuerdo.
  • The family arrived safely to their home. / La familia llegó a salvo a su casa.
  • Children always ask / Los niños siempre hacen preguntas.
  • He didn’t believe the story. / Él no creyó la historia.
  • We are ready to board the plane. / Estamos listos para abordar el avión.
  • He calls his grandmother every Sunday. / Llama a su abuela cada domingo.
  • We can clean the house in a few hours. / Podemos limpiar la casa en una pocas horas.
  • Please close the door. / Por favor cierre la puerta.
  • He collects / Collecciona estampillas.
  • They danced all night. / Bailaron toda la noche.
  • They declared / Declararon la bancarrota.
  • The invaders tried to destroy the palace. / Los invasores intentaron destruir el palacio.
  • We have to delete all the files. / Tenemos que borrar todos los archives.
  • He demanded an explanation. / Exigió una explicación.
  • He earns more money with the new job. / Gana más dinero desde con el nuevo trabajo.
  • Did you finish your dinner?
  • Please, file these documents with the rest. / Por favor, archiva estos documentos con el resto.
  • They graduated last year. / Se graduaron el año pasado.

Usa 20 verbos

  • Back up: apoyar. The rest of the team backed her up when she told Management about her plans. También puede significar «dar marcha atrás» o «hacer una copia de seguridad».
  • Bring up: mencionar algo. Don’t bring up the budget during the meeting, please.
  • Carry out: llevar a cabo. The company is carrying out a plan to increase salaries by 20% next year.
  • Come across: encontrarse a alguien por casualidad. I went to the park and came across your brother – he is looking so grown up now!
  • Come up with: ocurrirse (una idea, solución…). Remember our IT problem? Well, Carlos has come up with a great solution!
  • Drop off: dejar a alguien en un sitio. Marcos is dropping me off at the airport today.
  • Find out: averiguar. María got promoted when they found out she has excellent business skills.
  • Get along: llevarse bien. Do you get along with your English teacher? I think she’s really cool.
  • Get back to: responder más tarde. Let me check out some numbers and I will get back to you with an answer this afternoon.
  • Get over: superar. He has gotten over his breakup quite well, don’t you think?
  • Give up: dejar un hábito. I gave up smoking last May. También puede significar «rendirse».
  • Hurry up: darse prisa. Hurry up or we will never make it in time!
  • Look after: cuidar de alguien. I’m looking after the children while my sister is at work.
  • Make up: recuperar. Making up for lost time. Otros posibles significados: hacer las paces, maquillarse, inventar…
  • Pick up: recoger. Can you pick me up at the train station? También puede significar «aprender por casualidad»: I picked up some French while I was living in Paris.
  • Point out: señalar. Thanks for pointing this out, John -otherwise we could have made a big mistake.
  • Set up: fundar, establecer. I have always wanted to set up my own freelance business.
  • Turn on/off: encender/apagar. Can you turn the lighs off when you leave, please?
  • Turn out: ocurrir de manera diferente a lo esperado. As it turns out, John didn’t get the job in Advertising -he is going to Australia for a gap year instead.
  • Turn up: llegar o aparecer. Mike hasn’t turned up yet. Do any of you know where is he?
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