Inglés, pregunta formulada por Sael755, hace 1 mes

Escribe las siguientes frases en estilo indirecto, como en el ejemplo (He said he was happy.).

"I'm hungry," Tom said.

Tom said that he was hungry.

Tom said he was hungry.

Q1 of 10
Sarah asked, "Are you busy tonight?

Q2 of 10
"I am working in a hospital," she said.

Q3 of 10
"We made a great dinner last night," he said.

Q4 of 10
"They were living in Chicago when their son was born," she said.

Q5 of 10
"I have been to India three times," Melissa said.

Q6 of 10
"We have been waiting for the tickets for three hours," they said.

Q7 of 10
He asked, "Had you ever been to New York before?"

Q8 of 10
"I am from Australia," Pam said.

Q9 of 10
"You must drive slowly here," the police officer told me.

Q10 of 10
station / please / me / take / the / to / train

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por InvisibleVioleta

Hola, Sael755:


Escribe las siguientes frases en estilo indirecto, como en el ejemplo.


• Direct speech: "I'm hungry," Tom said.

• Reported speech: Tom said (that) he was hungry.

1. Sarah asked, "Are you busy tonight?

➺ Sarah preguntó: "¿Estás ocupado(a) esta noche?"

1. Sarah asked if I was busy that night.

➺ Sarah me preguntó si estaba ocupado(a) esa noche.


you (2nd p. sg.) ➙ I (1st p. sg.)

Are (present simple) ➙ was (past simple)

tonight that night

2. "I am working in a hospital," she said.

➺ "Estoy trabajando en un hospital", dijo ella.

2. She said (that) she was working in a hospital.

➺ Ella dijo que estaba trabajando en un hospital.


I (1st p. sg.) ➙ she (3rd p. sg.)

am working (present continuous) ➙ was working (past continuous)

3. "We made a great dinner last night," he said.

➺ "Anoche hicimos una cena estupenda", dijo.

3. He said (that) they had made a great dinner [the night before]/[the previous night].

➺ Él dijo (que) habían hecho una gran cena la noche anterior.


We (1st p. pl.) ➙ they (3rd p. pl.)

made (past simple) ➙ had made (past perfect)

last nightthe night before / the previous night

4. "They were living in Chicago when their son was born," she said.

➺ "Ellos estaban viviendo en Chicago cuando nació su hijo", dijo.

4. She said (that) they had been living in Chicago when their son was born.

➺ Ella dijo (que) habían estado viviendo en Chicago cuando nació su hijo.


were living (past continuous) ➙ had been living (past perfect continuous)

NOTA: El tiempo del verbo subordinado (el de la segunda parte de la oración: 'was born') no cambia.

5. "I have been to India three times," Melissa said.

➺ "He estado en la India tres veces", dijo Melissa.

5. Melissa said (that) [she had been]/[she'd been] to India three times.

➺ Melissa dijo que había estado en la India tres veces.


I (1st p. sg.) ➙ she (3rd p. sg.)

have been (present perfect ) ➙ had been (past perfect)

6. "We have been waiting for the tickets for three hours," they said.

6. They said (that) [they had been waiting]/[they'd been waiting] for the tickets for three hours.

➺ "Hemos estado esperando los boletos]/[las entradas] durante tres horas", dijeron ellos(as).

➺ Ellos(as) dijeron (que) habían estado esperando los billetes durante tres horas.


We (1st p. pl.) ➙ they (3rd p. pl.)

have been waiting (present perfect continuous) ➙ had been waiting (past perfect continuous)

7. He asked, "Had you ever been to New York before?"

➺ "¿Has estado alguna vez en Nueva York?"

7. He asked if I had ever been to New York before.

➺ Él me preguntó si yo había estado alguna vez en Nueva York.


you (2nd person singular) ➙ I (1st person singular)

Had ... been? [̲̅?̲̅] (past perfect ) ➙ had ... been [̲̅+̲̅] (past perfect )

8. "I am from Australia," Pam said.

➺ "Soy de Australia", dijo Pam.

8. Pam said (that) she was/is from Australia.

➺ Pam dijo que era/es de Australia.


I (1st p. sg.) ➙ she (3rd p. sg.)  

am (present simple) ➙ was (past simple) / is (present simple)

NOTA: Cuando hablamos de algo que no ha cambiado (es decir, que sigue siendo cierto) o de algo que sucederá en el futuro, no es necesario cambiar el tiempo verbal.

9. "You must drive slowly here," the police officer told me.

➺ "Ud. debe conducir despacio aquí", me dijo el policía.

9. The police officer told me (that) I [had to]/must drive slowly there.

➺ El policía me dijo que debía conducir despacio allí.


you (2nd p. sg.) ➙ I (1st p. sg.)

must drive (present simple + 'must') ➙ had to drive (past simple + 'had to') / must drive (present simple + 'must')

here there

10. station / please / me / take / the / to / train

10. Please take me to the train station. / Take me to the train station, please.

➺ Por favor, llévame a la estación de tren.

10. He/She asked me to take him/her to the train station.

➺ Él/Ella me pidió que lo/la llevara a la estación de tren.

NOTA: Este punto es distinto de los demás. No responde al modelo del ejercicio. No cabe duda de que hay que ordenar las palabras para formar una oración en discurso directo. Por las dudas, he incluido también el discurso indirecto.




1. La palabra 'that' puede omitirse en todos los casos, por eso está escrita entre paréntesis en todas las oraciones.

2. Al pasar del discurso directo al indirecto, las oraciones sufren algunos cambios en los tiempos verbales, en los pronombres, en los determinantes (adjetivos posesivos y demostrativos) y en ciertos adverbios de lugar y de tiempo. He marcado en negrita y subrayado todos los cambios que hay en estas oraciones y, además, los he resumido para que queden bien claros. Son idénticos o muy similares a los cambios que se producen en español.

Saludos. ✨


andresd197: Hola Amiga Vioelta
Soy Andres
Amiga Sera Que Me Puedes Ayudar En Las Preguntas Que Publique De Castellano,Gracias
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