Inglés, pregunta formulada por juandavidrodrigueza, hace 6 meses

escribe las palabras en el orden completo
ejemplo: than/ father/ is/ mother/ is/ my/ younger/ my
solucion: my father is younger than my mother
1 cheapest/ store/ table/ is/ the/ in/ this/ the
R/ ???
2 as/ cookies/ good/ mine/ as/ are/ sue's/ not
R/ ???
3 football/ more/ than/ basketball/ is/ popular
R/ ???
4- more / is / dress / a lot / this / than / black / expensive / the / dress
R/ ???
5- sister / faster / Sue / than / her / speaks
R/ ???

el que me ayude le pongo 5 estrellas y la coronita

juandavidrodrigueza: porfavooor rapidooo
juandavidrodrigueza: es el penultimo dia de clase y tengo talleres

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por JohiiAA


1 cheapest/ store/ table/ is/ the/ in/ this/ the

R/ This table is the cheapest in the store

2 as/ cookies/ good/ mine/ as/ are/ sue's/ not

R/ Sue's cookies are not as good as mine.

3 football/ more/ than/ basketball/ is/ popular

R/ Football is more popular than basketball.

4- more / is / dress / a lot / this / than / black / expensive / the / dress

R/ This dress is a lot more expensive than the black dress.

5- sister / faster / Sue / than / her / speaks

R/ Sue speaks faster than her sister


juandavidrodrigueza: gracias amigo
juandavidrodrigueza: o amiga no se
Contestado por 4MY5T3N


1. The table is the cheapest in this store.

2. Sue's cookies not are as good as mine/Mine cookies not are as good as Sue's.

3. Football is more popular than basketball/Basketball is more popular than football.

4. This dress is a lot more expensive than the black dress.

5. Sue speaks faster than her sister.


Cada oración tiene una estructura diferente porque en el inglés hay una gran variedad de comparativos.


1. the + verb + est

Subject + verb be + the + inf-verb + est + complement.

2. as ... as : tan ... como

Subject + verb be + as + adjective + as + complement.

3-4. more + inf-verb + than : más + verbo + que

Subject + verb be + more + inf-verb + than + complement.

5. verb + er

Subject + verb + inf-verb + er + than + complement.

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