Inglés, pregunta formulada por carlosguerrero120906, hace 7 meses

Escoja la respuesta correcta : MUCH, MANY or A LOT OF

1) How __ cans of coke are there in the fridge? - __

2) How __ bread do we need? - Not __

3) Is there ____ meat? - Yes, there is ____

4) Are there ____ potatoes? - Yes. there are ___

5) How ___ onions do you need? - Not ___

6) How ____ flour is there in the cupboard? - Not ____

7) There isn't ____ orange juice left. but there is ____ apple juice

8) There aren't ___ cows on the farm, but there are ____ shep

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por gualotunajuliana





Contestado por fernandammurillo
1) Many, a lot of
2) Many, much
3) Much, a lot of
4) Many, a lot of
5) Many, much
6) Much, much
7) Much, a lot of
8) Much, many
¡Espero haber ayudado! c:
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