Inglés, pregunta formulada por osmeirycastillo19, hace 6 meses

Escoge la mejor contestación con la conjugación correcta del verbo to be en inglés.
1-Anne ____ happy to be home. [is/are]
2-We ____ excited to see the play tonight. [was/are]
3-Yesterday ___ my birthday. [is/was]
4-How old ___ you? [am/are]
5-___ it raining outside? [Am/Is]
6-When ___ the wedding going to be? [was/is]
7-___ you going to work out tonight? [Are/Am]
8-Who ___ the actor from that movie? [is/are]
9-How come we ___ not invited to last night’s dinner? [were/was]
10-They ___ leaving for the movies right now. [were/are]

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por meibeth1203200


* Is

* are

* was



* Is


* is

* were

* are


Espero te sirva mucho ;)

Si en el presente simple, el verbo to be tiene tres formas (am, is, are), en el pasado simple, tiene dos: was y were.

Was corresponde a la primera persona del singular (I) y a la tercera persona del singular (he, she, it); were se emplea para las demás personas (you, we, they).

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