Inglés, pregunta formulada por ssofi68, hace 10 meses

es urgentee! por favorrr​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por wr888it

Respuesta: 1. Found - 2. Transported - 3. Played - 4. Taken - 5. Went - 6. Sat - 7. Stayed - 8. Wagged - 9. Gave - 10. Offered - 11. Followed -  12. Had - 13. Ate - 14. Liked

1) False. Two years ago, Matthew and Fiona went on holiday to Spain.

2) False. They stayed in a small cottage.

3) True.

4) False. On his walk, Matthew found a dog.

5) True.

6) False. The dog followed Matthew's home.

7)  True.

8)  False. The dog ate the food.

9)  True.

10)  False. At 10 pm, it was cold so Fiona let the dog indoors.

11)  True.

12)  True.

13)  False. Hilda stayed in the cottage with them.

14)  True.

15)  False. The rescue centre had no place for Hilda.

16)  False. They transported Hilda to England.

17)  False. Matthew and Fiona paid a fee of £500.

18)  True.

19)  True.

20) True.

Contestado por mjvo95

En la primera parte de esta actividad debes escribir el pasado simple de los verbos, en la segunda parte indicar si las oraciones son verdaderas o falsas.

1. Find the past simple of this verbs in the text. Write them on the line.

Pasado Simple.

Las oraciones en pasado simple se usan para hablar de acciones terminadas en el pasado y se pueden formar con verbos regulares e irregulares.

  1. Found - Find.
  2. Transported - Transport.
  3. Paid - Pay.
  4. Took - Take.
  5. Went - Go.
  6. Sat - Sit.
  7. Stayed - Stay.
  8. Wagged - Wag.
  9. Gave - Give.
  10. Offered - Offer.
  11. Followed - Follow.
  12. Had - Have.
  13. Ate - Eat.
  14. Liked - Like.

2. Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE? Correct the false ones:

True or False.

En esta actividad debes indicar si las oraciones son verdaderas o falsas, y en caso de que sean falsas corregirlas.

1. Two years ago Matthew and Fiona on Holiday to Greece. (False)

  • False. They went to Spain last Summer.

2. They stayed in a big hotel. (False)

  • False. They stayed in a small cottage.

3. One day Matthew went for a walk. (True)

4. On his walk he found a mountain goat. (False)

  • False. He found a dog.

5. The stray dog wagged its tail. (True)

6. The dog went back to its owners. (False)

  • False. The dog followed Matthew.

7. Fiona liked the dog and she gave it something to eat. (True)

8. The dog didn't eat the food. (False)

  • False. It ate it very quickly.

9. It sat outside their front door. (True)

10. At 9:30, it started raining and so Fiona let the dog indoors. (False)

  • False. At 10:00 it was closed so Fiona let the dog in.

11. When the dog came indoors, it sat beside Fiona on the sofa. (True)

12. They called the dog Hilda. (True)

13. Hilda stayed outside in the garden. (False)

  • False. The dog stayed with them in the cottage.

14. Matthew and Fiona took Hilda to a dog rescue centre. (True)

15. The rescue centre had a place for Hilda. (False)

  • False. The centre didn't have any place for Hilda.

16. They transported Hilda to Spain. (False)

  • False. They transported it to England.

17. Matthew and Fiona paid a fee of £200. (False)

  • False. It was a £500 fee.

18. Now, Hilda lives with Matthew and Fiona. (True)

19. They treat the dog very well. (True)

20. They love their dog. (True)

1. Puedes aprender más del pasado simple aquí:


2. En este link puedes ver una actividad de true or false:

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