es para hoy :c doy coronita a la mejor respuesta uwu(respuestas serias o reporto unu)
Read the story, underline and write false friends.
In a garden filled with bushes, out from between a load of grass and weeds, there appeared, as if from
nowhere, a white rose. It was as white as driven snow, its petals looked like velvet, and the morning dew
shone from its leaves like resplendent crystals. The flower couldn’t see herself, so she had no idea how
pretty she was. And so it was that she spent the few days of her life, until wilting set on, without knowing that
all around her were amazed by her and her perfection: her perfume, the softness of her petals, her
elegance. She didn’t realize that everyone who saw her spoke well of her. The weeds that surrounded her
were fascinated by her beauty, and lived in a state of enchantment at her aroma and appearance.
One hot, sunny day, a girl was strolling through the garden, thinking about how many lovely things Mother
Nature has given us, when she suddenly saw a white rose in a forgotten part of the garden. The rose was
beginning to fade and wilt.
-“It’s days since it rained,”
she thought,
-“if the rose stays here till tomorrow it'll be totally withered. I’ll take it home and put it in the lovely vase I got
as a present.”
And so she did. With all her love she put the wilting white rose in water, inside a lovely colorful glass vase,
and placed it by the window.
-"I'll put it here,"
she thought, -"so the flower can get some sun."
What the young girl didn’t realize was that the reflection from the window meant that, for the first time, the
rose got to see herself and what she looked like.
-“Is that me?”
Thought the rose. Little by little her drooping leaves began to rise, once again stretching up towards the sun,
and, gradually, the rose recovered her former appearance. When she was totally back to her best she
looked at her reflection and saw that she was indeed a beautiful flower. She thought
-"Wow! Till now I hadn’t realized who I was, how could I have been so blind?”
The rose came to realize she had spent her days without appreciating her beauty, unable to see herself,
unable to know who she really was.
If you really want to know who you are, forget everything that’s around you, and just look into your
Respuestas a la pregunta
Leer la historia, subrayar y escribir falsos amigos.
En un jardín lleno de arbustos, entre un montón de hierba y malas hierbas, apareció, como si
en ninguna parte, una rosa blanca. Era tan blanco como la nieve, sus pétalos parecían de terciopelo y el rocío de la mañana
brillaban en sus hojas como cristales resplandecientes. La flor no podía verse a sí misma, por lo que no tenía idea de cómo
bonita era. Y así fue como pasó los pocos días de su vida, hasta que se puso marchita, sin saber que
todos a su alrededor estaban asombrados por ella y su perfección: su perfume, la suavidad de sus pétalos, su
elegancia. No se dio cuenta de que todos los que la veían hablaban bien de ella. La maleza que la rodeaba
estaban fascinados por su belleza y vivían encantados por su aroma y apariencia.
Un día caluroso y soleado, una niña paseaba por el jardín pensando en cuántas cosas hermosas
La naturaleza nos lo ha dado, cuando de repente vio una rosa blanca en una parte olvidada del jardín. La rosa era
comenzando a desvanecerse y marchitarse.
- "Hace días que no llovió"