Inglés, pregunta formulada por yary34, hace 7 meses

En este ejercicio podrás practicar el uso correcto de los tiempos verbales en inglés.
Lee atentamente las oraciones y completa los recuadros con la forma de Simple Past de los verbos que se encuentran entre paréntesis.( y después debes traducir cada oración…no olvides el uso del verbo auxiliar DID para las formas negativas y las interrogativas)

1. Yesterday my father (go) to work by car.
2. This morning I (have) a shower.
3. My sister (not clean) her room on Saturday.
4. The birds (fly) over our heads.
5. Last week my family (not buy) a new table for the dining room.
6. The other day, I (lose) my math's book.
7. I (tell) my mother a lie.
8. We (hear) a terrible sound outside last night.
9. (you see) the football match Tuesday night?
10. Paul (drink) a litre of Coke for lunch yesterday.
11. The film (not begin) late at the cinema yesterday.
12. I hurt myself when I (fall) off my bike.
13. He (not forget) to do the homework.
14. I (want) a new pair of trainers but this shop (not sell) them.

15. My mum (make) pizza for lunch today.
16. (you read) the book the teacher (tell) us to read?
17. When (they meet) ?
18. Who (she speak) to yesterday?
19. What time (he arrive) from school?
20. Pau (learn) all the verbs in a week.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Incognita22201


1. Yesterday my father (go) to work by car.

1. Yesterday my father went to work by car.

2. This morning I (have) a shower.

2. This morning I had a shower

3. My sister (not clean) her room on Saturday.

3. My sister didn't clean her room on Saturday.

4. The birds (fly) over our heads.

4. The birds flew over our heads.

5. Last week my family (not buy) a new table for the dining room.

5.Last week my family didn't buy a new table for the dining room.

6. The other day, I (lose) my math's book.

6. The other day, I lost my math's book.

7. I (tell) my mother a lie.

7. I told my mother a lie.

8. We (hear) a terrible sound outside last night.

8. We heard a terrible sound outside last night.

9. (you see) the football match Tuesday night?

9. Did you see the football match Tuesday night?

10. Paul (drink) a litre of Coke for lunch yesterday.

10.Paul drank a litre of Coke for lunch Yesterday.

11. The film (not begin) late at the cinema yesterday.

11. The film didn't begin late at the cinema Yesterday.

12. I hurt myself when I (fall) off my bike.

12. I hurt muself when I fell off my bike.

13. He (not forget) to do the homework.

13. He didn't forget to do the homework.

14. I (want) a new pair of trainers but this shop (not sell) them.

14. I wanted a new pair of trainers but this shop didn't sell them.

15. My mum (make) pizza for lunch today.

15. My mom made pizza for lunch today.

16. (you read) the book the teacher (tell) us to read?

16. Did you read the book the teacher tell us to read?

17. When (they meet) ?

17. When did they meet?

18. Who (she speak) to yesterday?

18. Who did she speak to yesterday?

19. What time (he arrive) from school?

19. What time did he arrive from school?

20. Pau (learn) all the verbs in a week.c

20. Pau learned all the verbs in a week.


1. Ayer mi padre fue al trabajo en coche.

2. Esta mañana tome una ducha.

3. Mi hermana no limpió su habitación el sábado.

4. Los pájaros volaron sobre nuestras cabezas.

5. La semana pasada mi familia compró una mesa nueva para el comedor.

6. El otro día, perdí mi libro de matemáticas.

7. Le dije a mi madre una mentira.

8. Oímos un sonido terrible afuera anoche.

9. Vimos el partido de fútbol del martes por la noche?

10. Paul bebió un litro de Coca-Cola para el almuerzo de ayer.

11. La película no empezó ayer tarde en el cine.

12. Me lastimo cuando me caigo de la bicicleta.

13. Él no se olvidó de hacer la tarea.

14. Quería un nuevo par de zapatillas pero esta compra (no las vendo).

15. Mi mamá hizo pizza para el almuerzo de hoy.

16. leíste el libro que el maestro dijo que leamos?

17. ¿Cuándo se conocieron?

18. ¿Con quién habló ayer?

19. ¿A qué hora llego de la escuela?

20. Pau aprendio todos los verbos en una semana.

Sigueme! hacer esto me llevo tiempo v:

yary34: graciasssssssss
yary34: nna sígueme y te sigo``````
Incognita22201: vv: que??
Incognita22201: xde
Incognita22201: me siento estafada
yary34: jejejeje ya te sigo
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