Inglés, pregunta formulada por CaRoLiNaUsU, hace 7 meses

En el siguiente texto debes completar los espacios en blanco usando el verbo que está en paréntesis usando la forma correcta en PRESENT SIMPLE. Kathleen’s Life Kathleen _____ (start) her day at 5 o’ clock because, she ____ (live) so far from her job. She lives with her husband Christopher. Christopher _____ (travel) around the world because he is a pilot. They _____ (live) in a small town called Pitts. For that, reason Kathleen _____ (take) a bus every day to the big city. Kathleen ____ (love) the small town where, they ____ (live). Before, she ____ (go) to work, she _____ (eat) a delicious breakfast: pancakes, fruits, eggs and a smoothie. She _____ (work) in a big company, she is the editor of a famous fashion magazine. For her work she ____ (need) to know a lot about fashion and she ____ (go) to different fashion events. On weekends, Kathleen and Christopher ____ (have) tennis lessons in the morning. After that, Christopher _____ (watch) TV and Kathleen ___ (do) yoga. AYUDA PORFIS TENGO Q ENTRAGRALO TENGO 1 DIA PARA ENTREGARLO:(

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por luchin2t


1. starts

2. lives

3 travels

4. live

5. takes

6. loves

7. live

8. goes

9. eats

10. have

11. watches

12. does


Para terceras personas (he, she, it), agregas "s" o "es" al final de los verbos

Para las demás (I, we, they, you), el verbo se mantiene tal cual.

Contestado por andresgonzalocpb9nx4

Kathleen’s Life Kathleen starts (start) her day at 5 o’ clock because, she lives (live) so far from her job. She lives with her husband Christopher. Christopher travels (travel) around the world because he is a pilot. They lives(live) in a small town called Pitts. For that, reason Kathleen takes(take) a bus every day to the big city. Kathleen loves (love) the small town where, they lives (live). Before, she goes (go) to work, she eats (eat) a delicious breakfast: pancakes, fruits, eggs and a smoothie. She works (work) in a big company, she is the editor of a famous fashion magazine. For her work she  needs (need) to know a lot about fashion and she goes (go) to different fashion events. On weekends, Kathleen and Christopher haves (have) tennis lessons in the morning. After that, Christopher watchs (watch) TV and Kathleen does (do) yoga.

andresgonzalocpb9nx4: gracias :o
andresgonzalocpb9nx4: ok :D
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