Inglés, pregunta formulada por jfpe12393, hace 10 meses

Ejercicios con el verbo to be y nada más. No todas estas frases son exactamente presente continuo, pero casi…
Jim _______ eating ice cream.
The kids ________ playing in the park.
Birds ________ singing.
Henry and I ________ watching football.
Bees ________ gathering honey.
Tom and Karen ________ skiing.
Sam ________ washing her hands.
Tim ________ crying.
They ________ rowing the boat.
I ________ drinking wine.
The birds ________ flying south.
They ______ loving parents.
I ________ dancing.
Sarah and Thomas ________ getting married.
I ________ beginning to understand English.
The house ________ burning down.
The fruit ________ hanging low on the tree.
The baby ________ waking up.
I ________ crawling.
There ________ a meaning to every poem.
Ejercicios con Presente Continuo: afirmaciones
Pon la forma correcta del verbo to be y el gerundio en los blancos.
Tina ___________ ___________ water. (drink)
They ___________ __________ to France. (travel)
Fred ___________ ___________ a pie. (eat)
The weather ___________ always ______. (change)
She ___________ ___________ pasta. (cook)
It ___________ __________ outside. (rain)
The lady ___________ __________ for the bus. (wait)
I ___________ __________ my aunt. (visit)
It ___________ ___________ cold outside. (freeze).
Jack and Jill ___________ _________ up the hill. (climb)
Mom ___________ ___________ out to buy some groceries. (go)
The little girl ___________ ___________ the newspaper. (tear)
Nadal ___________ ___________ the match. (win)
Janet ___________ ___________ tea. (have)
The thief ___________ ___________ behind the bushes. (hide)
The sun ___________ ___________ brightly. (shine)
The birds ___________ ___________. (fly)
Gina’s son ___________ ___________ his cat with a blanket. (cover)
I ___________ ___________ a letter. (write)
I ___________ __________ some eggs to make an omelette. (beat)
Ejercicios con preguntas en presente continuo
Lo mismo de antes: pon la forma correcta del verbo to be (según la persona) y también el gerundio en las siguientes frases.
__________ it ________ ? (rain)
__________ he ________ ? (smoke)
__________ the birds __________ ? (chirp)
__________ I __________? (dream)
__________ the wind ___________ ? (blow)
__________ the plants __________? (grow)
__________ the computer __________ the data? (process)
__________ we __________ now? (leave)
__________ the wood ___________? (burn)
__________ the kids ___________ ? (play)
__________ they _________ their promise? (keep)
__________ I __________? (blush)
__________ the water __________? (boil)
__________ the apple __________ in the basket? (rot)
__________ the clock __________? (tick)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por ava123
Jim is eating ice cream
The kids are playing in the park
Birds are singing
Henry and I are watching football
Bees are gathering honey
Tom and Karen are skiing
Sam is washing her hands
Tim is crying
They are rowing the boat
I am drinking wine
The birds are flying south
They are loving parents
Sarah and Thomas are getting married
I am beginning to understand English
The house is burning down
The fruit is hanging low on the tree
The baby is waking up
I am crawling
There is a meaning to every poem
Tina is drinking water
They are traveling to France
Fred is eating a pie
The weather is always changing
She is cooking pasta
It is raining outside
The lady is waiting for the bus
I am visiting my aunt
It is freezing cold outside
Jack and Jill are climbing up the hill
Mom is going out to buy some groceries
The little gurls is tearing the newspaper
Nadal is winning the march
Janet is having tea
The thief is hiding behind the bushes
The sun is shining brightly
The birds are flying
Gina’s son is covering his cat with a blanket
I am writing a letter
I am beating sone eggs to make an omelette
Is it raining?
Is he smoking?
Are the birds chirping?
Am I dreaming?
Is the wind blowing?
Are the plants growing?
Is the computer processing the data?
Are we leaving now?
Is the wood burning?
Are the kids playing?
Are they keeping their promise?
Am I blushing?
Is the water boiling?
Is the apple rotting in the basket?
Is the clock ticking?

jfpe12393: Muchas gracias
Contestado por loreline2009


Jim is eating ice cream

The kids are playing in the park

Birds are singing

Henry and I are watching football

Bees are gathering honey

Tom and Karen are skiing

Sam is washing her hands

Tim is crying

They are rowing the boat

I am drinking wine

The birds are flying south

They are loving parents

Sarah and Thomas are getting married

I am beginning to understand English

The house is burning down

The fruit is hanging low on the tree

The baby is waking up

I am crawling

There is a meaning to every poem

Tina is drinking water

They are traveling to France

Fred is eating a pie

The weather is always changing

She is cooking pasta

It is raining outside

The lady is waiting for the bus

I am visiting my aunt

It is freezing cold outside

Jack and Jill are climbing up the hill

Mom is going out to buy some groceries

The little gurls is tearing the newspaper

Nadal is winning the march

Janet is having tea

The thief is hiding behind the bushes

The sun is shining brightly

The birds are flying

Gina’s son is covering his cat with a blanket

I am writing a letter

I am beating sone eggs to make an omelette

Is it raining?

Is he smoking?

Are the birds chirping?

Am I dreaming?

Is the wind blowing?

Are the plants growing?

Is the computer processing the data?

no se más

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