Ejemplo de oraciones en superlativos en inglés con la palabra Cancún
Respuestas a la pregunta
El celular de mi hermana es {menos} costoso {que} el mio.
-ingles- My sister s cellphone is cheap{er} than mine.
Ejemplo de comparativos en inglés:
• Aziel is taller than Ariel.
• Mauricio is small, but Alfredo is smaller.
• He's bigger than me.
• Elena is nicer than Cissnei
• Elena is hot, but Cissnei is hotter.
• Williams Molina is ugly, but Mauricio is handsome.
Ejemplo de Adjetivos comparativos en inglés
• A Mercedez Benz is a much expensive car than a Fiat [Un auto Mercedez Benz es mucho más caro que un Fiat]
• Adriano is much faster than Ronaldo [Adriano es mucho más rápido que Ronaldo]
Ejemplos de comparativos en ingles con …ver más…
• The highest mountain in Europe is Elbrus
The highest mountain in North America is Mkinley
The highest mountain in South America is Aconcagua
The highest mountain in Asia is Everest
The highest mountain in Antarctica is Visson Massif
The highest mountain in Australasia is Mount Cook
The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro
• Ejemplos de superlativos con adjetivos cortos usando nombres de rios
• The longest river in Europe is the Volga
The longest river in North America is the Missisippi-Misouri
The longest river in South America is the Amazon
The longest river in Asia is the Yellow River or Yangtse
The longest river in Antarctica is Onyx
The longest river in Australasia is Murray Darling
The longest river in Africa is Murray Darling
• Ejemplos de superlativos con adjetivos cortos usando nombres de lagos
• The largest lake in Europe is the Ladoga
The largest lake in North America is Superior
The largest lake in South America is Titicaca
The largest lake in Asia is the Caspian Sea
The largest lake in Antarctica is Vostok
Mi perro es {mas} grande {que} el de juan. - ingles- My dog is bigg{er} {than} juan s dog.
El celular de mi hermana es {menos} costoso {que} el mio.
-ingles- My sister s cellphone is cheap{er} than mine.
Ejemplo de comparativos en inglés:
• Aziel is taller than Ariel.
• Mauricio is small, but Alfredo is smaller.
• He's bigger than me.
• Elena is nicer than Cissnei
• Elena is hot, but Cissnei is hotter.
• Williams Molina is ugly, but Mauricio is handsome.
Ejemplo de Adjetivos comparativos en inglés
• A Mercedez Benz is a much expensive car than a Fiat [Un auto Mercedez Benz es mucho más caro que un Fiat]
• Adriano is much faster than Ronaldo [Adriano es mucho más rápido que Ronaldo]
Ejemplos de comparativos en ingles con …ver más…
• The highest mountain in Europe is Elbrus
The highest mountain in North America is Mkinley
The highest mountain in South America is Aconcagua
The highest mountain in Asia is Everest
The highest mountain in Antarctica is Visson Massif
The highest mountain in Australasia is Mount Cook
The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro
• Ejemplos de superlativos con adjetivos cortos usando nombres de rios
• The longest river in Europe is the Volga
The longest river in North America is the Missisippi-Misouri
The longest river in South America is the Amazon
The longest river in Asia is the Yellow River or Yangtse
The longest river in Antarctica is Onyx
The longest river in Australasia is Murray Darling
The longest river in Africa is Murray Darling
• Ejemplos de superlativos con adjetivos cortos usando nombres de lagos
• The largest lake in Europe is the Ladoga
The largest lake in North America is Superior
The largest lake in South America is Titicaca
The largest lake in Asia is the Caspian Sea
The largest lake in Antarctica is Vostok