Inglés, pregunta formulada por tatiana018, hace 3 meses


JOIN (UNIR) the two actions using SIMPLE PAST AND PAST CONTINUOUS. Ustedes deberán decidir cual es la acción en progreso y cual interrrumpió a esa acción que estaba sucediendo.
1. Alan / ride / his bike WHEN he / fall/ to the floor.
2. The boys /walk/ in the forest WHEN they /seel a bear .
3. Megan/ sleep/ WHEN her mum /arrive / home.
4. i/talk / on the phone WHEN the teacher /enter/ the class.
5. We / play/ computer games on line WHEN the light /gol out.
GO out significa apagarse (el verbo GO significa ir pero seguido de la palabra OUT cambia el significado referido a luces/apagones. (PARA REALIZAR ESTA TAREA TENGA EN CUENTA QUE UNA PARTE ES EN PASADO CONTINUO)​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por uwusenpai


1. Alan was riding his bike when he fell to the floor. uwusenpai avatar

2. The boys were walking in the forest when they saw a bear .

3. Megan was sleeping when her mum arrived home

4. I was talking on the phone when the teacher entered the class

5. we were playing computer games on line when the ligths went out

espero que te sirva <3

tatiana018: y la 1 y la 2 :(
uwusenpai: ahi va
tatiana018: muchas gracias :3
uwusenpai: 1. Alan was riding his bike WHEN he fell to the floor.
uwusenpai: 2. The boys were walking in the forest WHEN they saw a bear .
uwusenpai: ahi lo agregue al cometario
tatiana018: muchas gracias enserio :)
uwusenpai: de nada
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