Inglés, pregunta formulada por pikuluz, hace 5 meses


Completa cada frase con su correspondiente participio pasado.
1. The beds in our room haven't
2. Do you think we'll_____be
_________to the party?
3. La Mansión del Inglés is so successful it will probably be___________into twenty different languages.
4. When our flat was________
last month, my laptop computer was
5. I went to work early to go to the meeting yesterday and I realised that the date had
been_________to the 13th February.
6. A new sports centre is
being_________in front of our house and it's completely spoiling our view of the sea.
7. When I saw my grandmother yesterday she told me she had
been_________in the street on her way to bingo.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por rosalesemanuel95


1:The beds in our room are not

Been settled yet.

2:Do you think we'll be invited to the party?

3:La Mansión del Inglés is so successful that it will probably be in twenty different languages ​​before



pikuluz: me re ayudaste igual!!
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