Inglés, pregunta formulada por jperezfernandez000, hace 19 horas

Doy corona y puntos a quien me resuelva, no necesito traducción, reporto.

1. Join the following sentences using a correct relativeword. Omit the relative word if possible.

• The cat is over there. The cat's owner lives in Baker Street.

• The song is good. Julie listens to the song.

• Susan's boss is very friendly. He lives in New York.

• The girl is from Egypt. My son loves her.

• Maggie loves the chocolate. I bought it yesterday.

2. Change this relative clauses into reduced relative ones:

• The only person who was standing in the middle of the classroom was Paco.

• The influenza pandemic, which was wrongly named 'Spanish Flu' , originated in 1918 and

spread worldwide.

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these verbs to complete these "wish clauses"

• I wish I ____________________ (be) rich, but actually I'm broke.

• If only Susan ____________________ (not be) so rude to James. Now he's very upset and doesn't

want to join our chess club.

• I wish you ____________________ (stop) talking so loudly. I've got a terrible headache.

4. Rewrite sentence B of these two minidialogues by using with so or neither in order to express

agreement of disagreement with the previous sentence. Don't change the original meaning of

the sentence.

• A) Henry already spoke four languages when he was 6.

B) I spoke 4 languages too.


• A) I have never been to Moscow.

B) I haven't been there either.


5. Fill in the gaps with the correct modal for deduction (present or past). Don't forget to include

the main verb too.

• James ______________________ (be) a vegetarian. I see him every Saturday evening having a

beef burger at McDonald’s.

• You have studied all night. You ______________________ (be) exhausted.

• There was one orange left, but now it’s gone. My wife ___________________ (eat) it.

• Sonia ______________________ (take) your English book; she wasn’t even in class yesterday.

6. Make exclamative sentences by using the word in brackets. Don't forget the exclamation mark


• Michael is a talented pianist. (what)

• Michael plays the piano so beautifully. (how)

7. Join the two consecutive sentences in a single one. You must use the word in brackets.

• Istanbul is an amazing city. Many people want to visit it. (such)

• Our children study very little for their exams. They'll never pass them. (so)

8. Fill in the gaps with the correct linker to express finality (for, to, in order (not) to, so that, so

as (not) to.

• I will buy a new smart tv for my mother _______________ she can watch her favourite shows.

• A toaster is an appliance _______________ toasting toast bread, muffins, etc.

• Michael had to speed up _______________ arrive in time to the meeting.

• My aunt and my uncle came from Madrid _______________ see me play the part of Romeo at the

Isabel la Católica theater in Granada.

9. Rewrite the following sentence using the word(s)in brackets.

• Although it was raining heavily, we decided to go trekking anyway. (2 formas)


(despite, fact)

• She didn’t go to school because it was snowing.

(due to)

• Because of my terrible backache, I won’t be able to go to your party.


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MichaelSpymore1

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:


•The cat is over there. The cat's owner lives in Baker Street.

•The cat whose owner lives on Baker Street is over there.

El gato cuyo dueño vive en Baker Street está por allí.

•The song is good. Julie listens to the song.

•The song that Julie listens to is good.

La canción que escucha Julie es buena.

•Susan's boss is very friendly. He lives in New York.

•Susan's boss who lives in New York is very friendly.

El jefe de Susan que vive en Nueva York es muy amable.

•The girl is from Egypt. My son loves her.

The girl my son loves is from Egypt.

La chica que ama mi hijo es de Egipto.

•Maggie loves the chocolate. I bought it yesterday.

•Maggie loves the chocolate that I bought yesterday.

A Maggie le encanta el chocolate que yo compré ayer.


•The only person who was standing in the middle of the classroom was Paco.

• Paco was the only person standing in the middle of the classroom.

Paco era la única persona de pie en medio del aula.

•The influenza pandemic, which was wrongly named 'Spanish Flu', originated in 1918 and spread worldwide.

•The influenza pandemic originated in 1918 spread worldwide and was wrongly named 'Spanish Flu'

La pandemia de gripe originada en 1918 se propagó por todo el mundo y se denominó erróneamente 'Gripe Española.'


• I wish I were rich, but actually I'm broke.

Ojalá yo fuese rico, pero en realidad estoy arruinado.

• If only Susan wasn't so rude to James. Now he's very upset and doesn't want to join our chess club.

Ojalá Susan no fuera tan grosera con James. Ahora él está muy molesto y no quiere unirse a nuestro club de ajedrez.

• I wish you would stop talking so loudly. I've got a terrible headache.

Me gustaría que dejaras de hablar tan alto. Tengo un terrible dolor de cabeza.


A) Henry already spoke four languages when he was 6.

B) I spoke 4 languages too.

B) So I spoke 4 languages too.

A) Henry ya hablaba cuatro idiomas cuando tenía 6 años. B) Entonces yo hablaba 4 idiomas también.

A) I have never been to Moscow.

 B) I haven't been there either.

B) Neither have I been there.

A) Yo nunca he estado en Moscú. B) Yo tampoco he estado allí.


• James can't be a vegetarian. I see him every Saturday evening having a beef burger at McDonald’s.

James no puede ser vegetariano. Lo veo todos los sábados por la noche comiendo una hamburguesa de ternera en McDonald's

•You have studied all night. You must be exhausted.

Has estudiado toda la noche. Debes de estar exhausto.

•There was one orange left, but now it's gone. My wife must have eaten it.

Quedaba una naranja, pero ya no está. Mi esposa debe haberla comido.

•Sonia couldn't have taken your English book, she wasn't even in class yesterday.

Sonia no pudo haber tomado tu libro de inglés, ni siquiera estuvo en clase ayer.


• Michael is a talented pianist. (what)

Michael, what a talented pianist!

¡Michael, qué talentoso pianista!

• Michael plays the piano so beautifully. (how)

How beautifully Michael plays the piano!

¡Qué bien toca Michael el piano!


• Istanbul is an amazing city. Many people want to visit it. (such)

Istanbul is such an amazing city that many people want to visit it.

Estambul es una ciudad tan increíble que muchas personas quieren visitarla.

• Our children study very little for their exams. They'll never pass them. (so)

Our children study very little for their exams, so they'll never pass them.

Nuestros hijos estudian muy poco para sus exámenes, así que nunca los aprobarán.


• I will buy a new smart tv for my mother so that she can watch her favourite shows.

Yo compraré un nuevo televisor inteligente para mi madre para que ella pueda ver sus programas favoritos.

• A toaster is an appliance for toasting toast bread, muffins, etc.

Una tostadora es un aparato para tostar pan, magdalenas, etc.

• Michael had to speed up to arrive in time to the meeting.

Michael tuvo que acelerar para llegar a tiempo a la reunión.

• My aunt and my uncle came from Madrid to see me play the part of Romeo at the Isabel la Católica theater in Granada.

Mi tía y mi tío vinieron desde Madrid para verme interpretar el papel de Romeo en el teatro Isabel la Católica de Granada.


• Although it was raining heavily, we decided to go trekking anyway. (2 formas)(despite)(despite, fact)

• We decided to go trekking despite it was raining a lot.

Despite the fact that it was raining heavily, we decided to go trekking anyway.

Decidimos is a caminar a pesar de que estaba lloviendo mucho.

A pesar del hecho de que estaba lloviendo mucho, decidimos ir a caminar.

• She didn’t go to school because it was snowing. (due to)

• She didn't go to school due to snow.

Ella no fue al colegio debido a la nieve.

• Because of my terrible backache, I won’t be able to go to your party.(since)

• I won't be able to go to your party since I have terrible backache.

No podré ir a tu fiesta porque tengo un dolor de espalda terrible.

Michael Spymore

jperezfernandez000: Muchísimas gracias, y perdón si la subí varias veces es que me respondían cosas groseras. Mil gracias
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