Inglés, pregunta formulada por doloresotero86, hace 26 días

( DOY CORONA Y CORAZÓN) Write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.
1. My friends and I _________________ (go) to the movies every fifteen days.
2. Carlos ______________________ (tutor) me in the guitar classes now.
3. My best friend ___________________ (love) to text me every day.
4. In this moment, the principal of my school ___________________________ (try) to avoid bulling among students.
5. Every morning, my siblings ____________________ (run) around the neighborhood.

no contesten cualquier cosa.

lizelena10987: 1. My friends and I and my teacher (we go) to the movies every fortnight.

2. Carlos is the (tutor) now in guitar lessons.

3. My best friend tells me (love) to text me every day.

4. At this time, the principal of my school wants to talk about something important (tries) to avoid bullying between students.

5. Every morning my siblings and their friend go out and (run) around the neighborhood.
lizelena10987: oye
lizelena10987: ya esta todo y este es español

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Chava64xD


tradúcelo todo ay veras lo que le falte y le pones


Contestado por jwonn
1. Go
2. Tutors
3. Loves
4. Tries
5. Run

Espero que te sirva. :)
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