Historia, pregunta formulada por jhonmila8401, hace 11 meses

Disolucion de la gran colombia cuales fueron sus principales causas

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por millernox15pawf37

A) Mark the correct partitive in each sentence.     

1)      Should I get a package / a loaf of peanuts?

2)      Let’s buy a jar /a tub of chocolate ice cream.

3)      Would you like a bottle of /a cup of coffee?

4)      A can /a jar of beans and some eggs, please.

5)      I’d like a carton /a tub of pineapple juice.

6)      Can I have a loaf / a slice of cake, Mom?

7)      Give me a package / a jar of marmalade, please.

8)      There is a bottle /a tub of beer in the fridge.

9)      Can you remember to buy a loaf / a piece of brown bread, please?

10)  No, I don’t want a loaf / a slice of toast. Thank you.


B) Complete the paragraph with make or let.        

As a child. I always was very fond of reading magazines and watching TV, although my mom and dad wouldn’t 1)______________ me spend too much time in front of the TV and would 2)_____________me turn it off after an hour or so. However, I decided from an early age that I wanted to be on TV. One day I saw an ad for kids to appear in a TV commercial, which was for a new brand of cereal. I was really excited and luckily I persuaded mom and dad to 3)_______________me go to the audition.

Actually they were great and always 4) ______________me do what I wanted (except for watching too much TV). When we arrived to the audition, we were very surprised because there were hundreds of kids there!

First the scriptwriter 5) ____________us all stand in line because he wanted to see how tall we were. Then he gave us all a few lines to remember and 6) _____________us do it in approximately five minutes. Fortunately he 7) ______________us practice first, so I wasn’t too nervous.

He 8) _________________us read the lines in different voices to see how well we could act. It wasn’t so funny, Anyway!  I couldn’t believe it when the company called the next day to say they wanted me to be in the commercial. That was the start of my acting career. Ever since then, my parents have 9) _____________me continue to go to auditions, but they have 10) _________ keep on with my high school studies, just in case it doesn’t work out for me professionally.


 C) Complete the second sentence in each pair. Use the reporting verb in parentheses,     as well as the correct form of the verb  from the first sentence. For example

“Could you please order me a burger” my brother asked.

My brother asked me to order him a burger. (ask)


1)      “Call the supplier at once”, she said to me.

She_________________me_________________the supplier at once. (tell)


2)      “Don’t be late”, he said to me.

He______________me_____________late. (tell)


3)      “Will you go on a date with me”, he asked Sally

He ___________Sally_________to go on a date with him. (want)


4)      “Don’t say anything to Mike about the concert”, they said.

They ____________me______________anything to Mike about the concert.



5)      “I’d like you to help me with the dishes” he said to John.

He____________John______________him with the dishes. (ask)





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