Inglés, pregunta formulada por cynthiavargas2911, hace 16 horas

Directions: Make 10 questions or negative sentences by reordering the words

Word order:

Order the words correctly to discover a sentence.

Examples: Jorge / that / was Answer: That was Jorge.

open/ did/ the / you /door / ?


you / that / was / ?


he / the / crash / did / car / ?


not / she / did / come / yesterday / to class


they / pizza / did / eat / on Friday / ?


did / go / to the mall / you / with her / ?


watch / she / did / TV for hours / not


did / do / this mess / you / ?


not / very well / sing / she / did


did / stop / at the red light / they / not


Instrucciones: Haz 10 preguntas u oraciones negativas reordenando las palabras

Orden de las palabras:

Ordenar correctamente las palabras para descubrir una frase.

Ejemplos: Jorge / ese / fue Respuesta: Ese fue Jorge.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por onigaitan


1. did you open the door?

2.Was that you?

3.did he crash the car?

4.she did not come to class yesterday.

5.did they eat pizza on Friday?

6.did you go to the mall with her?

7.she did not watch tv for hours

8. did you do this mess?

9. she did not sing very well .

10. they did not stop at the red light .


Las posiciones de Los verbos, pronombres y el resto son algo super importantes como en español el sujeto el verbo y el predicado así que primero el sujeto la persona o cosa de que hablan luego el verbo y de último pueden ser más horas los días de semana etc

en las preguntas primero el auxiliar luego el pronombre we,she it luego el verbo y el resto de oración

Contestado por kareenpalermooo


1- did you open the door?

2- that was you?

3- he did crasj the car?

4- she didnt come to class yesterday

5- did they eat pizza on friday?

6- did you go to the mall with her?

7- she didnt watch tv for hours

8- did you do this mess

9- she didnt sing very well

10- they didnt stop at the red light

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