Inglés, pregunta formulada por jandryc756, hace 1 año

Díganme 10 oraciones To Be Born
10 oraciones The first conditional
10 oraciones should/shouldn't

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por ksfb2romo

10 oraciones To Be Born

1. They are victims, because they have had the misfortune to be born in a beleaguered country.

( Ellos son las víctimas, porque han tenido la mala suerte de haber nacido en un país difícil. )

2. You had no right to be born, for you make no use of life.

( No tienes derecho a la vida, porque no sabes vivir. )

3. One does not choose to be born a woman.

(uno elige cuando nace ser mujer. )

4. For all the songs that begin to be born                                                                                                              Por todas las canciones que empiezan a nacer

5. To put it simply, the first human right is to be born.

Por simplificar, el primer derecho humano es el derecho a nacer.

6. Nice to be born anew every day.

Bonito volver a nacer cada día.

7. Those offspring are bred from clones who have suffered to be born. Estos descendientes se crían a partir de clones que han sufrido para nacer.

8. The Service Directive that is about to be born is a step forward. La Directiva de servicios que está a punto de nacer es un paso adelante.

Contestado por neremo23


I was born in Madrid

Were you born in Madrid?

Where were you born?

I was born in Spain

Where was María born?

 I was born in 1983

Were you born in Mexico?

I was born in Argentina

I thought you had been born in Mexico.

I was not born yesterday


If you come to the party, I will be very happy.

If I win the lottery, I will buy a car!

I will be sad if my football team loses the match.

I will stay home if it rains tomorrow.

If it is sunny tomorrow, I will have a picnic.

We’ll probably do something else if it rains

You must get the burger if you go to that restaurant.

When I’m older, I’m going to travel the world

If you like it, you should buy it.

If we win, the country will go crazy!


She should take the children with her to Houston. (Ella debería llevar a los niños con ella a Houston)

He should lend us the money which we need. (Él debería prestarnos el dinero que necesitamos)

She should be back by noon. (Ella debería regresar para mediodía)

She should return later. (Ella debería regresar más tarde)

You should learn at least five new words every day. (Tú deberías aprender al menos cinco palabras cada día)

You should call her tomorrow. (Tú la deberías llamar mañana)

You should see her tomorrow. (Tú debería verla mañana)

She should try to finish her projects on time. (Ella debería tratar de terminar sus proyectos a tiempo)

They should help you with your work. (Ellos deberían ayudarte con tu trabajo)

You should go by plane. (Tú deberías ir en avión)

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